Fregnir - 01.12.1994, Page 16

Fregnir - 01.12.1994, Page 16
FREGNIR Fundir og ráðstefnur erlendis Umsjónarmenn þessa tbls. geta bent á upplýsingar um flestar ráðstefnumar. 1995 Jan. 26.-27. Feb. 8.-10. Mar. 13.-14. Apr. 19.21 Maí 10.-12. Maí 11.-14 Jun. 11.-14. Ág. 20.-26. Ág. 21.-24 Sep. 6.-8. Sep. 21.-22. Sep. 25.-27. Okt. ? Stokkhólmur. NVBF-hringborðsfundur um "Norrænan UnCover" Mo i Rana. Folkebibliotek som brukere av nasjonalbibliotek. Nordisk m0te. Osló. NVBFHvad fár Norden ud af EU's biblioteksprogrammer? Bath. Networking and the future of libraries - an intemational conference. UKOLN Washingon. 7th Intemational Congress on Medical Librarianship. Prag. Libraries now. 3rd Prague Intemational Library Fair. Central & Eastem Europe. (Á sama tíma em í Prag: Prague Intemational Book Fair. Art in Prague. Education and Training.) Calgary. 4th Intemational Document Delivery and &Interlending Conference Istanbúl. IFLA ráðstefnan Kaupmannahöfn. Nordic Conference for Medical Libraries. Oslo. Nord IoD 1995. Information power Prag. EAHIL Sypmposium on Cooperation of Medical Libraries. Valencia. Third European Serials Conference Kaupmannahöfn. 2. nordiske NVBF íjemlánskonference. Dokumentlevering via Intemet. 16 ^ Frit ater .‘Vrer Ljuavp



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