Tíminn - 13.07.1972, Page 13

Tíminn - 13.07.1972, Page 13
Kimmtudagur. Ki. júli. 11)72 TÍMINN 13 HAMBROS LIMITED A statement of the year’s progiess. Mr.Joceíyn HambroMQ reports to shareholders. A major event occurred during the year when we found ourselves legislated out of the U.S.A. by the One Bank Holding Company Act. Having, only three years previously, been brave enough to “hang out our shingle” on Wall Street and done satisfactorily well in the meantime, it was with much regret that we decided that the penalties imposed by the Act on our non- U.S.A. activities were too great a burden and that we should, therefore, give up accepting deposits in New York. We spent many hundreds of man hours explor- ing the various avenues open to us, but in the end, withdrawal emerged as clearly the right course for us and we proceeded to sell our business to First Empire State Corporation, Buffalo. We look forward to our association with the new owners and we welcome their President, Mr. Charles Diebold, to the Board of Hambros Bank Limited. On 3ist March this year, I retired as Chairman of the Bank in favour of my cousin, Charles Hambro. Seven years ago when, owing to the sudden death of Jack Hambro, I became Chairman, we set out with a young team. Today, we are all seven years older and it seemed essential to me to let in some blue sky for the up and coming generation. I intend to continue as Quirman of Hambros Limited and, in a non-executive capacity, of its direct United Kingdom subsidiaries other than the Bank. I extend to my cousin and his team the very best of good wishes for the years to come. I hope that my advice will be of value to them, but I wish to stress that it will be advice only. We welcome to the parent Board Mr. Ian Morrow who has been associated with us for many years as leader of our team of industrial advisers. He will serve as a part-time director, bringing wide experience and great ability to our afiairs. Group Eamings and Accounts At the half-year stage last September we felt ohliged to tell Shareholders that we believed it unlikely that results for the full year would show much change frorn those of the previous year and we referred speci- fically to certain larger than normal debt provisions with which we were faced. In reporting a Group profit after tax of £4,094,000 we are happy that our worst fears were, in the event, not realised, that this profit is in fact over 36 per cent higher than last year’s and that we have been able to deal with the problems to which we referred entirely out of current eamings. In the Notes that form part of the accounts we have set out in some detail the accounting policies of the Group. In common with other Accepting Houses we continue to state our banking profits after tax and after a transfer to inner reserves. Also we observe the conventions for banking companies in our balance sheeL In some respects these bear more heavily on our reported eamings than would, for instance, the method of dealing with debt losses adopted by the Qearing Banks. We support the moves towards full disclosure of banking earnings, but, equally, we believe .that Shareholders should be fully informed of the eflect of the existing conventions. The accounts of Hambro Life Assurance are consolidated with those of other companies of the Group but the consolidated net profit contains no contribution from Hambro Life. The consolidated balance sheet has again increased in total and reflects an unusually liquid position at the year end. This is largely due to our operations within the eurocurrency interbank market. The current year has also shown a marked increase in internally generated reserves. This axose partly from our consolidation of Merchandise and Investment Trust’s reserves when that company became a subsidíary, partly from a re-valuation of our holding in Berkeley Hambro Property Company and partly from normal investment operations. We have taken the opportunity of eliminating from the con- solidated balance sheet the item of Goodwill which absorbed £6,272,000. Nevertheless we are still left with an increase in capital and published reserves of £8,695,000 of which all but £2,538,000 was intemally generated. Hambro Life The confidence I expressed last year in our new venture in the life assurance field, led by Mr. Mark Weinberg, was more than justified by the exceptional growth of Hambro Life in its first year of operation in unit-linked assurance. During the year, over 30,000 new policies were issued and, by 3ist March, 1972, the investment funds of the Company had grown to nearly £50 million. Hambro Life has established 26 branches and now enjoys the support of leading insur- ance brokers, as well as its own sales associates, throughout the country. Measured by new sales, it reckons it is already in the top half-dozen life assur- ance companies in the United Kingdom and at ist June its total assets were about £60,000,000. An expanding life assurance company is usuaQy expected to run at a deficit for anything up to its first ten years. It is therefore particularly significant to note that, for its accounting period ended 3ist December, 1971, Hambro Life succeeded in achieving a small surplus. This reflects the tight control exercised on expenses as well as the marketing success and an in- creasing surplus is expected in the future. For the present, such surpluses will be retained in the Life Assurance Fund to strengthen the resources of the company. Berkeley Hambro Property interests during the last few years have become an increasingly important part of our opera- tions. We had acquired substantial sites and buildings adjoining our Head Office in Bishopsgate, which we already owned, with a view to major re-development of the whole area. In addition, we had built up a department providing specialist property management HAMBROS LIMITED Consolidated Financial Statement as at 3ist March, 1972 1971 £ £ Paid-up capital and reserves 43,583,465 34,887,932 Loancapital Minority shareholdcrs’ intcrcst 17,058,199 18,244,261 in subsidiaries Assurancc fund of Hambro Lifc 6,719,552 10,198,316 Assurance Ltd. .. .. Current deposit and othcr 25,619,806 — accounts .. .. •• 727,821,264 638,631,228 Proposed final dividends 1,428,137 1,111,734 Acceptances for customera .. 81,914,829 72,754,954 Balance with bankers and money £904,145,252 £775,828,425 at call Bank certificates of deposit and 46,373,363 58,499,864 bills discounted Term’ loans to banks and local 16,217,504 9,676,584 authorities .. 319,313,290 204,697,522 Government and other sccurities 18,621,848 46,907,625 Bullion and trading stocks 48,987,164 50,257,134 Advances and othcr accounts .. 303,923,986 299,587,747 Customers’ liabilities for acceptanccs 81,914,829 72,754,954 InvestmenU .. .. .. 68,793,268 33,446,995 £904,145,2S2 £775,828,425 Dividends paid nnd proposed .. 1,839,083 1.502,316 Rclaincd profits 2,255,759 1,503,704 ^PROFIT FOR THE YEAR .. £4,094,842 £3,006,020 HAMBROS LIMITED 41 Bishopsgate, London EC2P2AA for investment and development on behalf 0f prhrate clients and institutional customers. Last year we decided that these activities could best be continued and expanded if they were merged into a quoted property company and we negotiated the sale of all our property interests to the Berkeley Property and Investment Co. We already held about 12 per cent of Berkeley and, as a result of the merger, this is now increased to 44 per cent of the enlarged company which has been renamed Berkeley Hambro Property Co. The Board of Berkeley Hambro is headed by Mr. H. N. Sporborg, and the management has been reinforced by our former property team headed by Mr. John Spink, who is now deputy chair- man and a joint managing director of Berkeky Hambro. All the Group’s property interests, whidi also include Property Fund management for Hambro Life, are now entrusted to Berkeley Hambro. These com- plement the already substantial operations that Berkeley had in North America, the Channel íslands and, of course, in the United Kingdom. We have great confidence in the future of this operation. European Economic Community and tfae Future The Gty of London finds itself faced with a great challenge in the next decade. If the opportunities in Europe are seized, the scope is tremendous and the Merchant Banks should be in the forefront of this effort. Our ease of dealing on the London Stock Ex- change, for instance, with some help from the Govem- ment in respect of Bearer and No Par Value Shares, stamp duty and a simple method of Registration could make London the centre of dealing in all European securities. The London Markets in Money, Foreign Exchange and Commodities are also more highly developed than their counterparts in Europe. In these comments I have said nothing of the mainstream of banking activities which are the pre- dominant contributors to the results you see and occupy by far the greater part of our attention. That these may be taken so much for granted is a tribute to the established and continuing confidence that cxists between banker and customer in all those areas, ship- ping, forestry, leasing, íunds management, corporate finance, etc., on which we have tried to concentrate. There has been a satisfáctory increase in our business in all these areas, and we have also made further pro- gress in developing new business in other countries where we have become more deeply involved in recent years. Our acceptance credits in particular show a satisfactory increase from £73 m. to £82 m., and we have great faith in the continued expansion of this instrument of finance, in international trade. The business of an international merchant bank is many sided. Our interests, our oflices and our staff stretch across the world. During the year we have disposed of our Regis- tration Department and we wish to extend our thanks particularly to all those involved in the transfer to National Westminster Bank. To all our employees I would like to express my personai thanks for the support they have given me as Chairman over the last seven years, for their hard work and for their contri- bution to the growth and development of our business.



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