Spegillinn - 01.05.1948, Page 20

Spegillinn - 01.05.1948, Page 20
XXIII. 5. 5PEGILLINN EINARSSON, ZOEGA & CO. H.F. Hafnarhúsinu. — Síniar 6697 og 7797. Rcglubundnar ferdir frá meginlandinu og Englandi til fslands. Umboðsmenn erlendis: AMSTERDAM: Tlie Holland Steamship Company, Amsterdam —- C. ANTWERPEN: Agence Maritime Gustave E. Van den Broeck, 27, Groote Markt. ROTTERDAM: Rotterdamsche Schepsagentuur C. V.. van Vollenliovenstraat 50. HAMBORG: PHs Van Ommeren N. V. 56, Ferdinandsstrasse, Hamburg 1. PRAG: „Holland Lines“, Vádavské námésti 2, Prague II. ZURICH: Weltifurrer International Transport Co. Ltd. HULL: The Hekla Agencies Ltd., St. Andrew’s Dock. LONDON: British & Foreign Maritime Agencies Ltd., 37/38, Fenchurch St., London E. C. 3. MANCHESTER: Britisli & Foreign Maritime Agencies Ltd., 40, Brazenose Street. Mancliester 2. BIRMINGHAM: British & Foreign Maritime Agencies Ltd., 249, Wake Green Road. LIVERPOOL: British & Foreign Maritime Agencies Ltd., 26, Chapel Street. NOTTINGHAM: British & Foreign Maritime Agencies Ltd., Tollerton Airport, P. 0. Box 10.



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