Tímarit lögfræðinga

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.10.1989, Qupperneq 17

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.10.1989, Qupperneq 17
In the case of non-payment the fine is replaced by the defaulter’s detention in conformity with an arbitrary decision of the judge which is already part of the sentence. This regulation, if I am correct, is also the system provided for by the General Icelandic Criminal Law and applied by the courts in this country. b) The other legislative model for the regulation of the fine is the daily-rated fine system. It was invented in the Scandinavian countries and is applied in Finland, Sweden and Denmark, but not in Norway and not, as already mentioned, in Iceland. The character of the day- fine system consists in the formal division of the procedure determin- ing the fine in two easily recognizable stages. There is first the measur- ing out of the amount of one day-fine according to the earning capa- city, the financial situation, and the obligations of the accused. Second there is the determination of the number of days imposed according to the importance of the offence and to the grade of culpability of the offender. The number of days is the multiplier for the sum of one day-fine, the result of the multiplication is the total amount to be paid. If the fine is not paid, according to German law, one day is equivalent to one day of detention, whereas in Austria two days of the fine correspond to one day of detention, a regulation which satis- fies more the sentiment of justice, because loss of liberty is a more drastic sacrifice than only paying money. The Scandinavian day-rated fine system has had a remarkable success in recent times: it has been adopted in the Federal Republic of Germany, in Austria, Portugal, France, Hungary, Brazil, where it is based on an old legal tradition, and also in the Swiss and Spanish criminal code drafts. German experience with it looks satisfactory. The new system has led to better visibility of the two stages in measur- ing out the total amount of the fine. Taken into account are, first the economic conditions of the accused, and second the importance of the offence and the grade of culpability of the offender. Furthermore, it allows for a better adaptation of the definite amount of the fine to the economic situation of the accused, because income and obligations are a separate factor in the multiplication which leads to the final result. The importance of the financial situation of the accused as a separate factor in assessing the sentence makes it easier to arrive at a proportionally equal financial burden for all convicted persons being sentenced to a fine. Thus on the one hand the principle of equality of the sacrifice is preserved. On the other hand the second factor of the 159
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Tímarit lögfræðinga

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