Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 31.12.2003, Page 231
A special three-year programme is offered in lcelandic for Foreign Students lead-
ing to the B.Ph.lsl. degree. New students with some prior knowledge of lcelandic
may move directly into the second year by passing examinations hetd in late
August each year. The first semester is taught largely in English, although the
principal textbooks are in lcelandic.
M.A. programmes are offered in lcelandic Language. Icelandic Literature,
lcetandic Studies. Language Technology. History. Archaeology. Philosophy.
Comparative Literature, English, Danish and translation studies. M.A. students
must comptete 60 credits, which means two years of fult-time study. The faculty
does not offer grants to M.A. students.
Doctorat programmes are offered in lcelandic Literature, lcetandic Language and
History. The facutty also offers research-oriented graduate M. Paed. programmes
in lcelandic, Engtish, Danish, German, French and Spanish to students who plan
to become elementary or secondary schoot teachers.
Faculty of Odontology
The six-year course of study in dentistry leads to the cand. odont. degree. A com-
petitive examination is held at the end of the first term, and the number of stu-
dents allowed to continue their studies in dentistry is strictty timited. In addition to
the cand. odont. degree. a licence from the Minister of Health is needed to be
entitled to practice dentistry in lceland. It is possible to study for postgraduate
research degrees in dentistry. Ptease consult the Faculty Office for details.
Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration
ln the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. entering students
choose to study in either the Department of Economics or the Department of
Business Administration.
The Department of Economics provides a three-year programme leading to a B.S.
degree in Economics or a B.A. degree in Economics and an additional one-year
(three semesters) programme teading to a M.Sc. degree in Economics and in
Health Economics.
The Department of Business Administration offers a three-year programme lead-
ing to a B.S. degree in Business Administration. The students choose between
five fields with emphasis on either general business administration, manage-
ment. international trade. marketing or finance. The Department also offers a
four-year programme teading to a cand. oecon. degree in Business
Administration with specialization in Accounting and Auditing.
The Faculty offers a one-year M.S. degree programme (three semesters) in
Business Administration. The students choose between three fields with empha-
sis in finance. marketing or management.
The Department of Business Administration atso offers a two-year part-time MBA
program in co-operation with the Institute of Continuing Education. The Faculty
atso offers a M.A. degree programme (three semesters) in Human Resource
The Facutty offers studies towards a Ph.D. degree in both Economics and
Business Administration for students that have completed a M.Sc. degree in those
fields with a distinction.
There is also a one-year minor programme, both in Economics and Business
Administration. for students from other faculties.