Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 31.12.2003, Page 233
Faculty of Nursing
The four-year Nursing programme at undergraduate level leads to a B.S. degree.
At present a competitive examination is held at the end of the first autumn term.
The 75 students with the highest examination grades are offered to continue their
studies. A continuing programme in midwifery is offered to registered nurses
leading to a Cand. Obstetricorum degree. At the graduate level the Faculty of
Nursing offers an M.S. programme which requires additional 60 credits after
completion of the B.S. degree. M.S. students choose between a 15-credit clinicat
track with a research project and an extensive 30-credit research project. A 30-
credit programme in various fields of specialized nursing is also offered at the
graduate level. leading to a Diploma Certificate in Specialized Nursing.
Faculty of Pharmacy
The five-year course of study in Pharmacy leads to the cand. pharm. degree
(Master of Science in Pharmacy), which is a professional qualification. Both inde-
pendent research and practical experience are important elements of the pro-
gramme. The Faculty also offers a two year M.S. and three year Ph.D. programme
in pharmaceutical sciences.
Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science is comprised of six departments: Biology. Chemistry.
Geosciences. Physics, Mathematics and Food Science. In the Chemistry
Department major programmes are available in Chemistry and Biochemistry. The
Geosciences Department offers major study in Geology. Geography and Tourism
Studies. Within the Physics Department. students can specialize in Theoretical
Physics. Appiied Physics or Geophysics. Students in the Mathematics Department
can specialize in Pure or Applied Mathematics.
Generally. the programmes of study take three years to complete and lead to a
B.S. degree. A thesis is required in Geology and Geography but is optional in the
other fields.
Two-year programmes in Chemical Engineering and Engineering Physics are also
available. These are nondegree courses which qualify the students to enter
degree programmes abroad with advanced standing.
Forstudents having completed their B.S. degree. an M.S. programme is offered in
alt departments, generally requiring two years of study, including course instruc-
tion and thesis work. All departments offer also a doctoral study (Ph.D.). The doc-
toral study is at least 90 credits after the M.S. programme. If the doctoral pro-
gramme is entered after the B.S. degree. it is at least 120 credits. The thesis is at
least 90 credits.
In addition, the Faculty of Science offers two interdisciplinary Masters Programs.
Masters Programme in Environmental Science and Masters Programme in
Faculty of Social Sciences
The Facutty of Social Sciences offers three-year programmes teading to a B.A.
degree. Students can major in Education. Ethnology. Library and Information
Science. Politicat Science. Psychology. Social Anthropology. Social Work and
Sociology. Minor options are offered in Media Studies. Museum Studies, Gender
Studies. Urban Studies and Industrial Relations and Human Resource
Management. Students may elect to take the entire three-year programme in one
major subject. Altematively, they can spend two years studying in their major
fietd and one year in a minor field.
For those who already have a Bachelor's degree, the Faculty also offers one-year
professional training programmes: in Education. leading to the Teacher's