Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 76

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 76
76 Anna Birna Almarsdóttir prófessor Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Studying and evaluating pharmaceutical policy. (Sixth article in Article Series: Pharmaceutical Policy – an introduction to the scope and problems). Pharmacy World and Science. 2006 28, Springer, bls. 6-12. Almarsdóttir AB og JM Traulsen. An Introduction to Pharmaceutical Policy. International Pharmacy Journal. 2006, 20(1), Federation Internationale Pharmaceutique (FIP), bls. 28-29, Traulsen JM og AB Almarsdóttir. Fræðileg grein Lyfjastefna er einnig ábyrgð lyfjafræðinga. Mixtúra 2006, 20, 4. árs nemar í lyfjafræði, bls. 22-23. Anna Birna Almarsdóttir og Janine M. Traulsen. Fyrirlestrar Pharmaceutical Policy Workshop. 14th International Social Pharmacy Conference – Public Health. St Anne’s College, Oxford, 12. júlí 2006. Höfundar og flytjendur: Janine M. Traulsen og Anna Birna Almarsdóttir. Skráning lyfjasögu sjúklings, mat á lyfjatengdum vandamálum og nothæfi eigin lyfja. XVII. þing Félags íslenskra lyflækna, Hótel Selfossi, 9. júní 2006. Ásta Friðriksdóttir, Anna Birna Almarsdóttir, Anna I. Gunnarsdóttir og Þórunn K. Guðmundsdóttir. Flytjandi: Ásta Friðriksdóttir, meistaranemi í lyfjafræði (Abstract E18). Elín S. Ólafsdóttir prófessor Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Structural characterization of a highly branched galactomannan from the lichen Peltigera canina by methylation analysis and NMR spectroscopy. Carbohydrate Polymers 2006; 63: 54-60. Omarsdottir S, Petersen BO, Barsett H, Paulsen BS, Duus JØ, Olafsdottir ES. Structural characterisation of novel heteroglycans by NMR spectroscopy and methylation analysis. Carbohydrate Research 2006; 341: 2449-2455. Omarsdottir S, Petersen BO, Paulsen BS, Togola A, Duus JØ, Olafsdottir ES. Immunomodulating effects of lichen-derived polysaccharides on monocyte-derived dendritic cells. International Immunopharmacology 2006; 6: 1642-1650. Omarsdottir S, Olafsdottir ES, Freysdottir J. Alkalóíðar úr íslenskum jöfnum. Raust 2006, 4. árg., 2. hefti. Olafsdottir ES, Halldorsdottir, ES. Fræðileg grein Lýkópódíum alkalóíðar úr jöfnum. Mixtúra – blað lyfjafræði- nema við Háskóla Íslands, 2006, 20: 10-12. Elsa Steinunn Halldórsdóttir og Elín Soffía Ólafsdóttir. Fyrirlestrar Náttúruefni – náttúruvörur/fæðubótaefni/náttúrulyf. Erindi haldið á fræðslufundi undir fyrirsögninni Er þörf á fæðubótaefnum? Haldinn 28. febrúar 2006 á Umhverfisstofnun af Elínu Soffíu Ólafsdóttur. Alkalóíðar úr íslenskum jafnategundum (Lycopodium), andkólínesterasaverkun in vitro. Málstofa lyfjafræðideildar Háskóla Íslands, haldin í Haga við Hofsvallagötu, Reykja- vík, 18. september 2006. Flytjandi: Elsa Steinunn Halldórsdóttir. Veggspjöld Alkaloids from the club moss Lycopodium annotinum L. – acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity in vitro. 54th. Annual Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki, Finnlandi, 29. ágúst-2. september 2006. ES Halldórsdóttir og ES Ólafsdóttir. Structural charaterization of two galactofuranomannans isolated from the lichen Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis. 54th. Annual Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki, Finnlandi, 29. ágúst-2. september 2006. Omarsdottir S, Petersen BO, Paulsen BS, Togola A, Duus JØ, Olafsdottir ES. Immunomodulating effects of lichen-derived polysaccharides on monocyte derived dendritic cells. 54th. Annual Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki, Finnlandi, 29. ágúst-2. september 2006. Omarsdottir S, Olafsdottir ES, Freysdottir J. Hákon Hrafn Sigurðsson dósent Lokaritgerð Ocular drug delivery and mucoadhesive polymers (útskrift frá HÍ 1. mars 2006). Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum S.H. Hardarson, H.H. Sigurdsson, G.E. Nielsdottir, J, Valgeirs- son, T. Loftsson, E. Stefansson. „Ocular powder: dry topical formulations of timolol are well tolerated in rabbits“. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 22, 340- 346 (2006). H.H. Sigurdsson, T. Loftsson and C.-M. Lehr. „Assessment of mucoadhesion by a resonant mirror biosensor“. Int. J. Pharm. 325, 75-81 (2006). Fyrirlestur H.H. Sigurdsson. „Assessment of mucoadhesion by a resonant mirror biosensor“. 6th International Conference and Workshop on Cell Culture and in vitro Models for Drug Absorption and Delivery, Saarbrücken, (Germany), March 1-10 (4th of March), 2006. Veggspjöld E. Stefánsson, H.H. Sigurðsson, F. Konráðsdóttir and T. Loftsson. „Role of topical versus systemic absorption in delivery of dexamethasone to the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. ARVO, 2006. T. Loftsson, E. Stefánsson, H.H. Sigurdsson, F. Konradsdottir. „Topical drug delivery of dexamethasone to the posterior segments of the eye“. 6th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ISOPT), Berlin, March/April 2006. T. Loftsson, E. Stefánsson, H.H. Sigurdsson, E. Gudmundsdottir, T. Eysteinsson , M. Thorsteinsdottir. „Topical delivery of dorzolamide from cyclodextrin eye drop solution“. 6th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ISOPT), Berlin, March/April 2006. Lyfjafræðideild
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