Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 77

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 77
77 T. Loftsson, E. Stefánsson, M. Másson, and H.H. Sigurðsson. „Cyclodextrin nanotechnology and ophthalmic drug delivery“. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium, May 14-17, 2006. Abstract Book, #2-O4. T. Loftsson, H.H. Sigurðsson, D. Hreinsdóttir, F. Konráðsdóttir and E. Stefánsson. „Dexamethsone delivery to the posterior segment of the eye“. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium, May 14-17, 2006. Abstract Book, #2-P32. Már Másson prófessor Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum M. Másson, T. Benediktsson, T. Thorsteinsson and T. Loftsson (2006.) Investigation of Soft Long Chain Quaternary Ammonium Compounds as Co-Factors to Enhance In-Vitro Gene Delivery. Pharmazie 61 (6), 564-566. Jukka Holappa, Tapio Nevalainen, Pasi Soininen, Már Másson, Tomi Jarvinen (2006). Synthesis of Novel Quaternary Chitosan Derivatives via N-Chloroacyl-6-O- triphenylmethylchitosans (2006). Biomacromolecules 7 (2), 407-410. Jukka Holappa, Martha Hjálmarsdóttir, Már Másson, Ögmundur Rúnarsson, Tomas Asplund, Pasi Soininen, Tapio Nevalainen, and Tomi Järvinen. (2006). “Effects of pH and Degree of Substitution on the Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan N-Betainates.” Carbohydrate Polymers 65, 114- 118. Jukka Holappa, Tapio Nevalainen, Rustam Safin, Pasi Soininen, Tomas Asplund Tiina Luttikhedde, Már Másson, Tomi Jarvinen (2006). Novel water-soluble quaternary piperazine derivatives of chitosan: Synthesis and characterization. Macromolecular. Bioscience 6 (2), 139-144. Thorsteinn Loftsson, Fífa Konrádsdottir, Már Másson (2006). Influence of aqueous diffusion layer on passive drug diffusion from aqueous cyclodextrin solutions through biological membranes. Pharmazie 61 (2), 83-89. Thorsteinn Loftsson, Fífa Konrádsdóttir and Már Másson (2006). „Development and evaluation of an artificial membrane for determination of drug availability“. International Journal of Pharamceutics. 326, 60-68. Fyrirlestur Már Másson, Fridrik Jensen Karlsson, Kristín Magnúsdóttir, Þorsteinn Loftsson (2006). „Influence of Cyclodextrins on th Liquid-Liquid Phase-Distribtuion of Drugs. Oral presentation. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium, May 14-17 2006, Torino, Italy. Abstract book 2-O18. Flytjandi: Már Másson. Veggspjöld Thorsteinn Loftsson, Fífa Konráðsdóttir , Már Másson (2006). „Development of Octanol Membranes for Drug Screening. Poster presentation. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium, May 14-17 2006, Torino, Italy. Abstract Book 2- P33. Thorsteinn Loftsson, Dagný Hreinsdóttir, Már Másson (2006). „The Complexation Efficiency“. Poster presentation. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium, May 14-17 2006, Torino, Italy. Abstract Book 3-P49. Már Másson, Marianne Tomren, Hanne Hjorth Tønnesen, Ögmundur V. Rúnarsson (2006). „Properties of Crucuminoid/Cyclodextrin Complexes“. Poster presentation. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium, May 14-17 2006, Torino, Italy. Abstract Book 3-P57. Ögmundur V. Rúnarsson, Jukka Holappa, Tapio Nevalainen, Martha Hjálmarsdóttir, Tomi Jarvinen, Thorsteinn Loftsson, Atli Antonsson, Jón M. Einarsson, Már Másson. Structure determination and investigation of structure activity relationships for methylatedchitosaccharide derivatives. AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, 28.10.-2.11. 2006, San Antonio (Texas), #M1126. Már Másson, Marianne Tomren, Ragnhild. Haugse, Hanne H. Tønnesen, Ögmundur V. Rúnarsson, Thorsteinn Loftsson. Curcuminoids and the effect of cyclodextrins on the solubility, stability and octanolwater partitioning. AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, 28.10.-2. 1. 2006, San Antonio (Texas), #1127. T. Loftsson, D. Hreinsdóttir, E. Stefánsson, F. Konrádsdóttir, A. Antonsson. „Dexamethasone microparticles for topical drug delivery to the posterior segment of the eye”. AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, 28.10.-2.11. 2006, San Antonio (Texas), #M1143. T. Loftsson, A. Antonsson, D. Hreinsdóttir, F. Konrádsdóttir, M. Másson. „Development of an artificial membrane for evaluation of ophthalmic formulations”. AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, 28.10.-2.11. 2006, San Antonio (Texas), #M1144. Ólafur Baldursson lektor Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti Valthor Asgrimsson, Thorarinn Gudjonsson, Gudmundur Hrafn Gudmundsson and Olafur Baldursson. Novel Effects of Azithromycin on Tight Junction Proteins in Human Airway Epithelia. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 50 (5): 1805-1812, 2006. Fyrirlestrar H. Bergsteinsson, O. Baldursson, M. Clausen, E. Cook, I. Olafsson. Cystic Fibrosis in Iceland 1955-2005. Incidence, survival and CFTR mutations in the Icelandic population. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2006, Vol. 5, S102. V. Asgrimsson, T. Gudjonsson, G.H. Gudmundsson, S. Halldorsson, O. Baldursson. Azithromycin affects the processing of tight junction proteins and ENaC in human airway epithelia in vitro. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2006, Vol. 5, S 26. (Erindi á þingi Evrópusamtaka um cystic fibrosis (European CF Society)). Valþór Ásgrímsson, Þórarinn Guðjónsson, Guðmundur Hrafn Guðmundsson, Ólafur Baldursson. Áhrif azithrómýsíns á þekjuvef lungna. Læknablaðið 2006, 52, V42: 41. Valþór Ásgrímsson, Guðmundur Hrafn Guðmundsson, Margrét Steinarsdóttir, Ólafur Baldursson, Skarphéðinn Halldórsson, Þórarinn Guðjónsson. Þróun vefjaræktunarlíkans til rannsókna á þekjuvef lungna. Læknablaðið 2006, 52, V41: 41. Ólafur Baldursson. Cystic Fibrosis. Yfirlitsfyrirlestur á afmælisfundi Félags íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga í maí 2006. Sesselja S. Ómarsdóttir lektor Lokaritgerð Polysaccharides from lichens. Isolation, structural characterization and in vitro immunomodulating activity 2006. Háskóli Íslands, Ph.D. 90 einingar, 102 bls. og viðaukar. Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Immunomodulating effects of lichen-derived polysaccharides on monocyte-derived dendritic cells. International Immunopharmacology, 2006, 6 (11): 1642-1650. Omarsdottir S, Olafsdottir ES, Freysdottir J. Structural characterisation of novel lichen heteroglycans by
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