Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Side 89
of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids &
Fatty Acids & Lipids (ISSFAL), 23-28 July
, 2006, Australia.
G.V. Skuladottir, J.O.Skarphedinsson, A.R. Jonsdottir, H. B.
Schiöth, L. Jonsson. Effect of dietary fat type hyperphagia
on body weight and adipocyte fatty acid composition. LMC
International Food Congress 2006: Nutrigenomics and
Health – from Vision to Food March 15-16, 2006.
AL Petursdottir, SA Farr, AR Jonsdottir, JE Morley, WA Banks,
GV Skuladottir. Dietary docosahexaenoic acid is associated
with improved memory in Alzheimer mouse model. 7th
Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty
Acids & Fatty Acids & Lipids (ISSFAL), 23-28 July, 2006,
GV Skuladottir, AL Petursdottir, SA Farr, JE Morley, WA Banks.
Fish oil fatty acids improve memory in Alzheimer mouse
model. Scandinavian Physological Society, Annual Meeting
Iceland, Reykjavík, 11.-13. August 2006.
L Jonsson, GV Skuladottir, HB Schiöth, JO Skarphedinsson.
Effects of chronic melanocortin receptor agonist and
antagonist infusion on food intake, energy metabolism and
body weight in rats. Scandinavian Physological Society,
Annual Meeting Iceland, Reykjavík, 11.-13. August 2006.
GV Skuladottir, JO Skarphedinsson, HB Schiöth, L Jonsson.
Fish oil fatty acids improve omega-3 fatty acid status of
adipose tissue in overweight rats. Scandinavian
Physological Society, Annual Meeting Iceland, Reykjavík,
11.-13. August 2006.
Stefán B. Sigurðsson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Jonsdottir S, Andersen KK, Sigurdsson AF & Sigurdsson SB.
The effect of physical training in chronic heart failure.
European Journal of Heart Failure 8, 97-101, 2006.
Karl Andersen, Sólrún Jónsdóttir, Axel E. Sigurðsson & Stefán
B. Sigurðsson. Áhrif hjartaendurhæfingar á hjartabilaða.
Læknablaðið, 92. 759-64, 2006.
Gisladottir S, Eysteinsson T, Sigurdsson SB. Adrenergic
receptors in retinal arterioles. Joint research meeting of
the European Association for Vision and Eye research
(EVER), Portugal 4-5/10 2006. Abstrakt birtur í Acta
Opthalm. Scand, Vol 84, suppl 239, 2006 (erindi flutt af
Svanborgu Gísladóttur, MS-stúdent).
Lífeðlisfræðilegar rannsóknir á íþróttamönnum. Erindi um
rannsóknaniðurstöður flutt á Læknadögum, 16.-20. janúar
Fræðilegt erindi um „Problem based learning“ og aðrar
nýjungar í kennsluaðferðum. Erindi haldið á vegum
Kennslumiðstöðvar Háskóla Íslands 22. febrúar 2005.
Gisladottir S, Eysteinsson T, Sigurdsson SB. Adrenergic
receptors and the control of blood flow in retinal arterioles.
Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Physiological Society
Reykjavík, 11th-13th August 2006.
Gudjonsdottir M., Jonsdottir S., Magnusson B., and Sigurdsson
S. Reproducibility of six-minute walking test performed by
cardiac and pulmionary patients. Kynnt á ERS Annual
Congress, Munich, September 2006.
Þór Eysteinsson dósent
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Pedersen, D.B., Stefánsson, E., Kiilgaard, J.F., Jensen, P.K.,
Eysteinsson, T., Bang, K., la Cour, M.: Optic nerve pH and
PO2: the effects of carbonic anhydrase inhibition, and
metabolic and respiratory acidosis. Acta Ophthalm.
Scandinavica , 84, 475-480, 2006.
Hardarson, S.H., Harris, A., Karlsson, R.A., Halldorsson, G.H.,
Kagemann, L., Rechtman, E., Zoega, G.M., Eysteinsson, T.,
Benediktsson, J.A., Thorsteinsson, A., Jensen, P.K., Beach,
J, Stefánsson, E.: Automatic retinal oximetry. Invest.
Ophthalm. Vis. Science, 47, 5011-5016. 2006.
Gisladottir, S, Eysteinsson, T, Sigurdsson, SB: Adrenergic
receptors in retinal arterioles. EVER, Acta Ophthalmologica
Scandinavica 2006; volume 84, supplement 239, e448.
Hardarson, SH, Karlsson, RA, Halldorsson, GH, Joelsson, SR,
Eysteinsson, T, Benediktsson, JA, Beach, JM, Stefansson,
E: Oxymetry in retinal vascular occlusions. EVER, Acta
Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2006; volume 84,
supplement 239, e454.
Stefánsson, E, Hardarson, SH, Halldorsson, GH, Karlsson, RA,
Benediktsson, JA, Eysteinsson, T, Beach, J, Harris, A:
Retinal oximetry. EVER, Acta Ophthalmologica
Scandinavica 2006; volume 84, supplement 239, 4252.
Stefánsson, E, Hardarson, SH, Karlsson, RA, Halldorsson, GH,
Joelsson, SR, Eysteinsson, T, Benediktsson, JA, Beach, JM:
Retinal oximetry and retinal vein occlusions. XXXVII Nordic
Congress of Ophthalmology (NOK), Copenhagen, Acta
Ophthalmologica Scandinavica, vol. 84, s238, p 29, 135-06,
Pedersen DB, la Cour, M, Kiilgaard JF, Jensen, P.K, Eysteinsson,
T, Bang, K, Nørgaard, MH, Stefánsson, E.: Regulation of
optic nerve oxygen tension – in vitro studies. XXXVII Nordic
Congress of Ophthalmology (NOK), Copenhagen, Acta
Ophthalmologica Scandinavica, vol. 84, s238, p 40, 145-03,
Hardarson, SH, Karlsson, RA, Halldorsson, GH, Joelsson, SR,
Eysteinsson, T, Benediktsson, JA, Beach, JM, Stefansson,
E: Oximetry in retinal vein occlusions. IOVS [ARVO Suppl.],
47, 5196, 2006 Halldorsson, GH, Joelsson, SR, Karlsson,
RA, Benediktsson, JA, Hardarson, SH, Eysteinsson, T,
Beach, JM, Harris, A, Stefánsson, E.: Automatic evaluation
of fundus image quality. IOVS [ARVO Suppl.], 47, 5651, 2006.
Karlsson, RA, Benediktsson, JA, Hardarson, SH, Halldorsson,
GH, Eysteinsson, T, Harris, A, Stefánsson, E.: A software
interface for the evalution of oxygen saturation in retinal
vessels. IOVS [ARVO Suppl.], 47, 5686, 2006.
Pedersen DB, Nørgaard, MH, Stefánsson, E, Jensen, P.K,
Eysteinsson, T, Bang, K, la Cour, M.: Dorzolamide increases
optic nerve oxygen tension independent of cyclooxygenase
inhibition. IOVS [ARVO Suppl.], 47, 489, 2006.
Traustason, S, Eysteinsson, T., Stefánsson, E: Retinal
neuroprotection in a rat acute ischemia/reperfusion model.
Scandinavian Physiological Society Annual Meeting, 11.-13.
ágúst í Reykjavík, 2006
Lífefna- og sameindalíffræði
Eiríkur Steingrímsson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Stefansson, T.B., Moller, P.H., Sigurdsson, F., Steingrímsson, E.,
and Eldon, B.J. 2006. Familial risk of colon and rectal
cancer in Iceland. International Journal of Cancer, 119:304-