Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 105

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 105
105 Ónæmisfræði Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson dósent Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti Thórarinsdóttir HK, Lúðvíksson BR, Víkingsdóttir Þ, Leópoldsdóttir MO, Árdal B, Jónsson Þ, Valdimarsson H, Arason GJ. Childhood levels of immunoglobulins and mannan-binding lectin in relation to infections and allergy. Scand J Immunol 2005, 61: 466-74. Fyrirlestrar Johnston A., Gudjonsson J.E., Sigmundsdottir H., Ludviksson B.R. and Valdimarsson H. The anti-inflammatory action of methotrexate is not mediated by lymphocyte apoptosis, but by the suppression of activation and adhesion molecules (oral presentation). Clin. Immunol. (2005) Supplement 1 s41-s42. 5th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS 2005), Boston, USA, May 2005. BRL was actively involved in this project. Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir, Brynja Gunnlaugsdóttir og Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson (2005). Áhrif TGF-1 á tjáningu viðloðunarsameinda og efnatogaviðtaka á óreyndum (naïve) T-frumum. XII. vísindaráðstefna HÍ (erindi). SMM was a student working for BRL. Gunnlaugsdottir B, Maggadottir AM, Ludviksson BR. Costimulation through CD28 prevents the immunomodulatory effect of Infliximab (2006). Scandinavian Congress of Rheumatology, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 16-19, 2006. Scand J Rheumatol 2006;35 (suppl 121):14-15. (BG is a Ph.D student of BRL). Jorgensen G, Ludviksson BR, Johannesson AJ, Thorsteinsdottir I, Gudmundsson S. Increased prevalence of autoimmunity amongst first degree relatives of IgAD individuals. Scandinavian Congress of Rheumatology, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 16-19, 2006. Scand J Rheumatol 2006;35 (suppl 121):30. (GHJ is a PhD student of BRL). Saevarsdottir S, Steinsson K, Ludviksson BR; Grondal G, Valdimarsson H. Individuals with complement C2 deficiency have increased levels of circulating immune complexes and mannan binding lectin may facilitate their clearance. Scandinavian Congress of Rheumatology, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 16-19, 2006. Scand J Rheumatol 2006;35 (suppl 121):13. Cox-2 inhibitors friends or foe? Asthma and allergy, open symposium for health providers (Astma- og ofnæmisdagurinn). Reykjavík, apríl 2005. Biological immune response modifiers. The Icelandic Rheumatology association, desember 2005. The pros and cons of biologicals. Department of immunology monthly teaching lecture, febrúar 2006. The effect of aging and stress on the immune system. Open symposium, The Icelandic astma and allergy patient organization, maí 2006. Unconventional use of vaccines. Nordic vaccine meeting, Reykjavík, Iceland, ágúst 2006. Ludviksson BR. Unconventional use of vaccines – allergy and autoimmune diseases. Nordic Vaccine Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 25-26, 2006. Ludviksson BR. IgA deficiency and Autoimmunity. Scottish society of Rheumatology meeting. North Berwick, Scotland, October 27, 2006. Boðsfyrirlestur. Veggspjöld Brynja Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir og Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson (2005). Viðbótarræsing í gegnum CD28 upphefur bæliáhrif TGF-1 á eitilfrumur. XII. vísindaráðstefna HÍ. Andrew Johnston, Jóhann E. Guðjónsson, Hekla Sigmundsdóttir, Björn R. Lúðvíksson, Helgi Valdimarsson. Bólgueyðandi áhrif methotrexats byggjast ekki á eyðingu heldur á bælingu virkjunar- og viðloðunarsameinda T eitilfruma. 12. alþjóðaþing ónæmisfræðinga, Montreal, Canada, 2005. Brynja Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir og Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson (2005). Viðbótarræsing í gegnum CD28 upphefur bæliáhrif TGF-1 á eitilfrumur. XII. vísindaráðstefna HÍ um rannsóknir í líf- og heilbrigðisvísindum, 4.-5. janúar 2005, Öskju, Háskóla Íslands. Brynja Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir og Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson (2005). The anti-proliferative effect of anti-TNF? (Infliximab) on T-cells is prevented by CD28 co- stimulation and TGF-1. Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies – FOCIS annual meeting, Boston, USA, maí 2005. B. Gunnlaugsdottir, S. M. Maggadottir and B. R. Ludviksson (2005). TNF induced co-stimulation reduces the inhibitory effect of TGF-1 upon T-cells. Joint meeting 36. Annual meeting of the DGfI and 36. Annual Meeting of the SSI (poster presentation). Gunnlaugsdottir B, Maggadottir SM, Ludviksson BR. Costimulation through CD28 prevents the immunomodulatory effect of Infliximab. 1st Joint Meeting of European National Societies of Immunology – 16th European Congress of Immunology (ECI), Paris, France, September 6-9, 2006. Sævarsdottir S, Steinsson K, Ludviksson BR, Grondal G, Valdimarsson H. Individuals with complement C2 deficiency have increased levels of circulating immune complexes and mannan binding lectin may facilitate their clearance. European Conference on SLE, London 2006. Sævarsdottir S, Steinsson K, Ludviksson BR, Grondal G, Valdimarsson H. Individuals with complement C2 deficiency have increased levels of circulating immune complexes and mannan binding lectin may facilitate their clearance. American College of Rheumatology - scientific meeting, Washington 2006. Arthritis Rheum 2006;54 (9, suppl): S637-S637. Brynja Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir og Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson (2005). Áhrif anti-TNFalpha meðferðar á T-frumufjölgun er háð ræsingarskilyrðum. Vísindadagar LSH. Brynja Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir og Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson (2005) Áhrif anti-TNFalpha meðferðar á T-frumufjölgun er háð ræsingarskilyrðum. Vísindadagar LSH. Brynja Gunnlaugsdóttir, Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir og Björn Rúnar Lúðvíksson (2005). Anti-CD28 upphefur bólguhemjandi áhrif anti-TNF og TGF-1 meðferðar á T- frumur. Vísindadagar LSH. Kennslurit Handbók í lyflæknisfræði (3. útgáfa 2006). Gigtsjúkdómar og klínísk ónæmisfræði (bls. 197-212). Helgi Valdimarsson prófessor Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum JE Gudjonsson, A Karason, A Antonsdottir, EH Runarsdottir, VB Hauksson, HH Jonsson, J Gulcher, K Stefansson, H Valdimarsson. Distinct clinical differences between HLA- Cw*0602 positive and negative psoriasis patients – an analysis of more than 1000 HLA-C and B typed patients. J Invest Dermatol 2006; 126: 740-745. Manfredsdottir VF, Vikingsdottir T, Jonsson T, Geirsson AJ, Kjartansson O, Heimisdottir M, Sigurðardottir SL, Valdimarsson H, Vikingsson A. The effects of tobacco smoking and rheumatoid factor seropositivity on disease
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