Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Síða 106
activity and joint damage in early rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatology (Oxford) 2006; 45: 734-740.
S Saevarsdottir, H Kristjansdottir, G Grondal, T Vikingsdottir, K
Steinsson, H Valdimarsson. Mannan-binding lectin and
complement C4A in Icelandic multicase families with
systemic lupus erythemotosus. Ann Rheum Dis 2006; 126:
Does altered antimicrobial peptid expression in the tonsils play
an important role psoriasis? Sigrún L. Sigurðardóttir, Geir
Hirlekar, Bjarki Jóhannesson, Guðmundur H.
Guðmundsson, Helgi Valdimarsson, Andrew Johnston. 1st
joint meeting of European National Societies of
Immunology, Paris, 6- 9. september 2006 ( Sigrún er
doktorsnemi hjá Helga Valdimarssyni).
Is psoriasis an autoimmune disease? Laboratories of Host
Defence, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA,
12. desember 2006.
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. Ritstjóri til júní 2006, eftir
það á Senior Advisory Board.
F1000 Medicine: Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology Faculty.
Faculty member „Autoimmunity & inflammatory disease“
Evaluation Board.
Ingileif Jónsdóttir prófessor
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
Jakobsen H, Hannesdottir S, Bjarnarson SP, Schulz D, Trannoy
E, Siegrist CA and Jonsdottir I. Gradual carrier-specific T-
cell response from neonates to adults determines the
polysaccharide-specific antibody response and protective
efficacy of pneumococcal conjugates in mice. Eur J
Immunol. 2006 Feb;36(2):287-95.
Neonatal Vaccination Strategies Against Pneumococcal
Diseases: Effects of Novel Adjuvants and Immunization
Routes on Neonatal Immune Responses to Conjugate
Vaccines. ISPPD-5, 2.-6. April 2006, Alice Springs,
Australia. Invited speaker.
Nordic Awardee’s Experiences with the NIH Application Process
and Collaboration Initiation NIH/NIAID - Nordic Research
Networking Meeting May 10-12, 2006, Helsinki, Finland.
Invited speaker.
Neonatal vaccination strategies against infectious diseases
NIH/NIAID – Nordic Research Networking Meeting, May
10-12, 2006, Helsinki, Finland. Invited speaker.
Advantages of mucosal vaccination in early life sanofi pasteur´s
Satellite Symposium: Infant Immunization; which role for
new adjuvants ? 16th European Congress of Immunology,
6.-9. September 2006, Paris, France. Invited speaker.
Sigurveig Th Sigurdardottir, Katrin Davidsdottir, Vilhjalmur A
Arason, Olof Jonsdottir, France Laudat, Ingileif Jonsdottir.
Two and Three Doses of the 9vPncMnCC in Infancy, Prime
for Comparable Booster Responses at 12 Months of Age.
ISPPD-5, 2.-6. April 2006, Alice Springs, Australia. Erindi
flutt a f Sigurveigu Þ. Sigurðardóttur, (handleiðari er IJ).
Effects of LT-K63 and CpG2006 on phenotype and function of
murine neonatal lymphoid cells. Thorunn Asta Olafsdottir
Solveig G Hannesdottir, Giuseppe Del Giudice, Emanuelle
Trannoy and Ingileif Jonsdottir. 1st Pan-European
Immunology Meeting, 6.-9. September, Paris, France.
Erindi flutt a f af Þórunni Á. Ólafsdóttur, MSc,-doktorsnema
undir handleiðslu IJ.
Host genetics of susceptibility to tubeculosis – the genealogical
approach. 13. July 2006. UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical
School, New Jersey, Newark, USA. Guest speaker.
Host genetics of susceptibility to tubeculosis – the genealogical
approach. 14. July 2006. The Public Health Research
Institute, New Jersey, Newark, USA. Guest speaker.
Host immune responses and immunological factors in invasive
pneumococcal disease. 5th PREVIS meeting, 2.-3. June
2006, Reykholt, Iceland.
Population Genetics Analysis Programme. Immunity vaccine
/infections. An introduction to deCODE genetics of
infectious disease programme with emphasis on on
pneumococcal infections. 5th PREVIS meeting, 2.-3. June
2006, Reykholt, Iceland.
Host immune responses and immunological factors in invasive
pneumococcal disease. 6th PREVIS meeting, 28-30 October
2006, Prague, Chech Republic.
Jeffrey Gulcher, Ingileif Jónsdóttir, Stefán Jónsson. Population
Genetics Analysis Program: Immunity to
Vaccines/Infections. NIAID Population Genetics Program
Project meeting and NIAID site visit deCODE genetics, 22-
23 August 2006. (Joint presentation).
Jeffrey Gulcher, Ingileif Jónsdóttir, Stefán Jónsson. Population
Genetics Analysis Program: Immunity to
Vaccines/Infections. NIAID Population Genetics Program
Project meeting and NIAID site visit deCODE genetics, 22-
23 August 2006. (Joint presentation).
Ingileif Jónsdóttir. Hver eru bein og óbein áhrif rannsókna á
íslenskt vísindasamfélag? Klínískar rannsóknir á Íslandi:
Rannsóknir eða markaðssetning. Læknadagar, Hótel
Nordica, 18. janúar 2006
Maturation of mucosal responses and influence of maternal
antibodies. Merial European Vaccinology Symposium. 2nd-
4th November 2006, Athens, Greece. Key note speaker.
Jonsdottir, I, Ingolfsdottir, G, Paton, JC, Kristinsson, KG,
Gudnason, T . Children with Invasive Pneumococcal
Disease Have Low Levels of Antibodies to Virulence
Proteins and Develop Poor Antibody Responses Compared
to Age-Matched Children who Carry Pneumococci in Their
Nasopharynx. ISPPD-5, 2.-6. April 2006, Alice Springs,
Australia. Veggspjald kynnt af IJ.
Brynjolfsson SF, Bjarnarson SP, Del Giudice G and Jonsdottir I.
Neonatal antibody response and immunological memory
induced by meningococcal conjugate is enhanced by LT-
K63 (poster PD2793). European Congress of Immunology,
6.-9. September 2006, Paris, France. Veggspjald kynnt af
Siggeiri F Brynjólfssyni, doktorsnema undir handleiðslu IJ.
Brenda C. Adarna, Stefania P. Bjarnarson, Jan Haensle,
Emanuelle Trannoy and Ingileif Jonsdottir. DC-Chol
Enhances Neonatal Immune Response To Conjugates And
Protective Efficacy Against Pneumococcal Infections. 1st
Pan-European Immunology Meeting, 6.-9. September,
Paris, France. Veggspjald kynnt af Brendu C. Adarna, M.Sc.
sem vinnur undir handleiðslu IJ.
Maren Henneken, Olivier Adam, Emanuelle Trannoy and Ingileif
Jonsdottir. Long-term persistence of MenC-PS specific
memory B cells. 1st Pan-European Immunology Meeting,
6.-9. September, Paris, France. Veggspjald kynnt af Maren
Henneken, post-doc undir handleiðslu IJ.
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 2006, Blackwell, 12
Microbes and Infection, 2006, Institute Pasteur, 12 tölublöð.