Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 113

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 113
113 Björnsdóttir, B., Andrésdóttir, V., and Guðmundsdóttir, B. K. Isolation and characterization of an extracellular peptidase from the fish pathogenic bacterium Moritella viscosa. Örverufræðifélag Íslands. Fréttabréf, 1. tbl., 18. árg., mars 2006, p 7. Björnsdóttir, B., Bambir, SH, Guðmundsdóttir, S, and Guðmundsdóttir, BK. Pathogenic effects of the extracellular products of Moritella viscosa in Atlantic salmon and turbot. Örverufræðifélag Íslands. Fréttabréf, 1. tbl., 18. árg., mars 2006, p.8. Guðmundur Georgsson prófessor emeritus Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Georgsson G, Tryggvason T, Jonasdottir A D, Gudmundsson S, Thorgeirsdottir S. Polymorphism of PRNP codons in the normal Icelandic population. Acta Neurol Scand (2006):113, 419-425. Gudmundur Georgsson, Sigurdur Sigurdarson and Paul Brown. Infectious agent of sheep scrapie may persist in the environment for at least 16 years. Journal of General Virology (2006) 87, 3737-3740. Karl Skírnisson vísindamaður Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Guðmundsdóttir B & Skirnisson K. 2006. The third Eimeria species (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) described from wild reindeer Rangifer tarandus in Iceland. Parasitology Research 99: 659-662. Kolárová L, Rudolfová J, Hampl V & Skírnisson K. 2006. Allobilharzia visceralis gen. nov., sp. nov. (Schistosomatidae – Trematoda) from Cygnus cygnus (L.) (Anatidae). Parasitology International 55: 179-186. Fuente G, Skirnisson K & Dehority BA. 2006. Ciliate protozoa in the rumen of Icelandic cattle, sheep, goats and reindeer. Zootaxa 1377: 47-60. Galaktionov KV & Skirnisson K. New data on Microphallus breviatus Deblock & Maillard, 1975 (Microphallidae: Digenea) with emphasis on the evolution of dixenous life cycles of microphallids. Parasitology Research. Published online 22.11.2006 (DOI 10.1007/s00436-006-0259-9). Skírnisson K. 2006. Hringormar berast í fólk á Íslandi við neyslu á lítið elduðum fiski. Læknablaðið 92 (1): 21-25. Skírnisson K & Hansson H. 2006. Causes of diarrhoea in lambs during autumn and early winter in an Icelandic flock of sheep. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 19: 43-57. Fyrirlestrar Karl Skirnisson, Berglind Guðmundsdóttir, Bjørn Gjerde and Eric Hoberg 2006. Comparison of the parasite fauna of reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, in Iceland and northern Norway after more than 200 years of separation. Third Annual International Workshop on Arctic Parasitology (IWAP III), November 6-10, 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Abstract p. 25. 2006. Um hringorma í fiski og sýkingar af þeirra völdum í mönnum á Íslandi. Vísindagur á Keldum, 29. apríl 2006. Erindabók. Útdráttur, bls. 20. Veggspjöld Karl Skirnisson, Berglind Guðmundsdóttir and Bjørn Gjerde 2006. Protozoan parasites of reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, in Iceland. Third Annual International Workshop on Arctic Parasitology (IWAP III), November 6-10, 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Abstract p. 45. Karl Skirnisson, Berglind Guðmundsdóttir and Eric Hoberg. 2006. Helminth parasites of reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, in Iceland. Third Annual International Workshop on Arctic Parasitology (IWAP III), November 6-10, 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Abstract p. 44. Karl Skirnisson and Kirill V. Galaktionov. 2006. Faunal composition, distribution and transmission patterns of water bird digeneans in coastal ecosystems of SW Iceland. Third Annual International Workshop on Arctic Parasitology (IWAP III), November 6-10, 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Abstract. p. 46. Ritstjórn Situr í ritstjórn tímaritsins „The Bulletin of the Scandinavian- Baltic Society for Parasitology“. Útgefandi eru samtök norrænna og baltneskra sníkjudýrafræðinga. Er í útgáfunefnd Landfræðisögu Þorvalds Thoroddsen sem gefin er út af Heimskringlu. Fjórða bindi (af 5) í þessari endurútgáfu (frumútgáfan er frá árunum 1892-1904) kom út 2006. Matthías Eydal fræðimaður Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti Kristmundsson Á, Eydal M, Helgason S. Progress of co- infections of Trichodina cooperi and T. murmanica para- sitising farmed Atlantic cod Gadus morhua juveniles in Iceland. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 2006;71:213-223. Fræðilegar greinar Lúsasýkingar á íslenskum hrossum. Eiðfaxi, 2006, 42-43. Sníkjudýr í hrossum. Freyr, 4. tbl., 102 árg., 2006, 13-15. Fyrirlestrar 2006. Anisakis in Iceland; A review. Nordic/northern European scientific workshop. National institute of nutrition and seafood research (NIFES) Bergen, Norway, 30 November-1 December 2006: Modelling the life cycle of the Anisakis simplex species complex in the northeast Atlantic (yfirlitserindi). Matthías Eydal. Internal parasites of horses in Iceland (innri sníkjudýr í hrossum á Íslandi). Vísindadagur á Keldum, 28. apríl 2006 (erindi). Naglús á hrossum: Dreifing lúsa, einkenni sýkinga og imidacloprid lyfjameðferð. Haustfundur Dýralæknafélags Íslands, Grand Hótel, Reykjavík, 25. nóvember 2006 (gestafyrirlestur). Veggspjöld Matthías Eydal, Árni Kristmundsson, Slavko. H. Bambir and Sigurður Helgason. Prevalence and effect of Loma branchialis (Microsporida) on mortality of young farmed Atlantic cod in Iceland. International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA XI) 6-11 August 2006, Glasgow, Scotland (veggspjald). Árni Kristmundsson, Sigurður Helgason, Matthías Eydal og Slavko H. Bambir. Aeromonas salmonicida undirt. achromogenes sýkingar í íslenskum eldisþorski (Gadus morhua). Vísindadagur á Keldum, 28. apríl 2006 (veggspjald). Árni Kristmundsson, Sigurður Helgason, Slavko H. Bambir og Matthías Eydal. Óþekkt hnísildýr í íslenskri hörpuskel (Chlamys islandica) – hugsanleg orsök affalla í stofninum. Vísindadagur á Keldum, 28. apríl 2006 (veggspjald). Útdrættir Internal parasites of horses in Iceland (innri sníkjudýr í hrossum á Íslandi). Vísindadagur á Keldum. Ráðstefnurit 2006, bls. 15 (útdráttur).
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