Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Síða 152
A new disc formula for the Siciak-Zahariuta extremal function.
Erindi flutt við Matematikkollokviet, Lundar-háskóla,
Svíþjóð, 10. maí 2006.
Some aspects of pluripotential theory. Erindi flutt á Differential
Geometry Seminar, Adelaide-háskóla, Suður-Ástralíu, 11.
ágúst 2006.
The relative extremal function for Borel sets in complex
manifolds. Erindi flutt á Differential Geometry Seminar,
Adelaide-háskóla, Suður-Ástralíu, 25. ágúst 2006.
The relative extremal funcion for Borel sets in complex
manifolds. Erindi flutt á Séminare Analyse er Geometrie
complexes, Toulouse, Frakklandi, 7. desember 2006.
Einn af fjórum ritstjórum Tímarits um raunvísindi og
Fulltrúi Íslands í ritstjórn NORMAT, Nordisk Matematisk
Reynir Axelsson dósent
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
Reynir Axelsson og Georg Schumacher. Kähler geometry of
Douady spaces, manuscripta mathematica, 121, 277-291
Reynir Axelsson. Undirstöður rúmfræðinnar 320 bls; (b) Reynir
Axelsson. Tvinnfallagreining I, 289 bls.
Robert J. Magnus prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Robert Magnus. The implicit function theorem and multibump
solutions of periodic partial differential equations.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 136A, 559-
583, 2006.
Robert Magnus. A scaling approach to bumps and multibumps
for nonlinear partial differential equations. Proceedings of
the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 136A, 585-614, 2006.
Grein á Vísindavefnum: Hvernig er best að lýsa Riemann-
flötum? Svar birtist 1.2.06
Rögnvaldur G. Möller prófessor
Infinite primitive graphs, 21.7.2006, University of Western
Australia, Perth, Australia. Í boði dr. John Bamberg.
Graphs and tidy subgroups,17.8.2006, University of Newcastle,
Newcastle, Australia. Í boði dr. George Willis.
Infinite primitive graphs, 2.11.2007, Málstofa í stærðfræði við HÍ.
Umhverfis- og auðlindafræði
Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir dósent
Davidsdottir B. 2006. The Price is Right? In Art, Ethics and
Environment: A free enquiry into the vulgarly received
nation of nature, edited by Sigurjónsdottir and Jónsson,
Cambridge Scholars Press.
Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir
Davidsdottir, B. 2006. Sustainable Energy Development.
Working Paper Series W06-13, Institute for Economics
Studies, Háskóla Íslands.
Davidsdottir B. 2006. Capital Constraints and the effectiveness of
environmental policy. Working Paper Series W06-10,
Institute for Economics Studies, Háskóla Íslands.
Davidsdottir B. 2006. Part A: Methods for Estimating
Commercial Fishing Benefits. Chapter 4 in Regional
Benefits Analysis for the Final Section 316(b) Phase III
Existing Facilities Rule, US EPA, EPA-821-R-04-007.
Davidsdottir B. 2006. Part B: California and Appendix B3,
Commercial Fishing Benefits, in Regional Benefits.
Analysis for the Final Section 316(b) Phase III Existing
Facilities Rule, US EPA, EPA-821-R-04-007.
Davidsdottir B. 2006. Part C: North Atlantic and Appendix C3,
Commercial Fishing Benefits, in Regional Benefits.
Analysis for the Final Section 316(b) Phase III Existing
Facilities Rule, US EPA, EPA-821-R-04-007.
Davidsdottir B. 2006. Part E: Gulf of Mexico and Appendix E3,
Commercial Fishing Benefits, in Regional Benefits.
Analysis for the Final Section 316(b) Phase III Existing
Facilities Rule, US EPA, EPA-821-R-04-007.
Davidsdottir B. 2006. Part F: Great Lakes and Appendix F3,
Commercial Fishing Benefits, in Regional Benefits.
Analysis for the Final Section 316(b) Phase III Existing
Facilities Rule, US EPA, EPA-821-R-04-007.
Davidsdottir B., 2006, Part H: South Atlantic and Appendix H3,
Commercial Fishing Benefits, in Regional Benefits.
Analysis for the Final Section 316(b) Phase III Existing
Facilities Rule, US EPA, EPA-821-R-04-007.
Davidsdottir B. Sustainable Energy Development and World
Energy Security, University of Washington, 3 nóvember
2006. Brynhildi var sérstaklega boðið að halda
fyrirlesturinn sem var opinn og auglýstur fyrir allan
University of Washington í Seattle en var haldinn í boði
Department of Chemical Engineering. Fyrirlestrinum var
einnig webcast til fyrirtækja í Seattle, svo sem til Microsoft
Corp. og Boeing.
Davidsdottir B.. Material Flow Dynamics. Gordon Conference on
Industrial Ecology, August 6-11. The Queens College,
Oxford UK. Plenary-fyrirlestur.
Book Review Editor for the journal Ecological Economics.
Published by Elsevier Science. See:
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