Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 153

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 153
Eðlis-, efna- og stærðfræðistofnun Eðlisfræðistofa Djelloul Seghier fræðimaður Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum H.P. Gislason and D. Seghier. Investigation of defecs using noise spectroscopy. Invited talk at the 2nd Aspect workshop on advanced spectroscopy, Kazimirerz Dolny, Poland, Optica Applicata XXXVI, no 2-3, 359-371. 2006. D. Seghier and H.P. Gislason. DX-like defects in AlGaN/GaN structures ny means of noise spectroscopy Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Beijing 2005, 41-44. 2006. D. Seghier and H.P. Gislason, Noise spectroscopy on defects with thermally activated capture in GaAs, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Beijing 2005, 359- 361. 2006. S. Hautakangas, V. Ranki, A. Makkonen, M.J. Puska, K. Saarinen, L. Liszkay, D. Seghier, and H.P. Gislason, J. Freitas, R.L. Henry, X. Xu, and D.C. Look. Gallium and nitrogen vacancies in GaN: impurity decoration effects. Physica B, 376-377. 2006 424-427. Gunnlaugur Björnsson vísindamaður Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum G. Jóhannesson, G. Björnsson & E. H. Gudmundsson 2006. “Afterglow Light Curves and Broken Power Laws: A Stat- istical Study’’. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 640, L5-L8. J. P. U. Fynbo, R. L. C Starling, C. Ledoux, K. Wiersema, et al., 2006. “Probing cosmic chemical evolution with gamma-ray bursts: GRB060206 at z=4.048’’. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 451, L47-L50. G. Jóhannesson, G. Björnsson & E. H. Gudmundsson 2006. “Energy Injection in GRB Afterglow Models’’. Astrophysical Journal, 647, 1238-1250. P. Jakobsson, J. P. U. Fynbo, C. Ledoux et al. 2006. “HI column densites of z>2 Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts’’. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 460, L13-L17. Fræðileg skýrsla Leirvogsskýrsla 2005. Ritstjórn Ritstjóri Tímarits um raunvísindi og stærðfræði. Kristján Leósson vísindamaður Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum K. Leosson, T. Nikolajsen, A. Boltasseva, and S. I. Bozhevolnyi. Long-range surface plasmon polariton nanowire wave- guides for device applications. Opt. Express 14, 314-319 (2006). A. Boltasseva, S. I. Bozhevolnyi, T. Nikolajsen and K. Leosson. Compact Bragg gratings for long-range surface plasmon polaritons. Journal of Lightwave Technology 24, 912-918 (2006). Kafli í ráðstefnuriti K. Leosson, A. Boltasseva, T. Nikolajsen, and S.I. Bozhevolnyi. Long-range surface plasmon polariton waveguides with TE and TM guiding. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6324, 632404 (2006) Fyrirlestrar K. Leosson, A. Boltasseva, T. Nikolajsen, and S.I. Bozhevolnyi. Long-range surface plasmon polariton waveguides with TE and TM guiding. SPIE Optics and Photonics (Plasmonics: Nanoimaging, nanofabrication and their applications), San Diego, 13-17 August 2006. D.M. Johansen, A. Boltasseva, T. Nielsen, M. Vogler, G. Grützner, F. Reuther, K. Leosson, A. Kristensen. Nanoimprinted Long-range Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguide Components. CLEO/QELS 2006, paper QMI6. Kristján Leósson. Örtækni við Háskóla Íslands, Raunvísindaþing 2006 (boðserindi). R.H. Pedersen, A. Boltasseva, K.B. Jørgensen, D.M. Johansen, T. Nielsen, K. Leosson, J.E. Østergaard, A. Kristensen. Long-Range Surface Plasmon Polariton Devices Fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography. Conference on Ultimate Lithography and Nanofabrication for Electronics and Life Science, 2006. R.H. Pedersen, A. Boltasseva, K.B. Jørgensen, A. Røgeberg, K. Leosson, J.E. Østergaard, and A. Kristensen. Nanoimprint Fabrication of Long-Range Surface Plasmon Polariton Devices. Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology, San Francisco, 15-17 November 2006. Veggspjöld R.H. Pedersen, A. Boltasseva, D.M. Johansen, T. Nielsen, K.B. Jørgensen, K. Leosson, J.E. Østergaard, A. Kristensen. „Fabrication of long-range surface plasmon polariton devices by nanoimprint lithography“. 32nd International Conference on Micro- and Nanoengineering, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 17-20, 2006. A. Boltasseva, S. I. Bozhevolnyi, T. Søndergaard, and K. Leosson. ‘’LR-SPP-based waveguides for device applications’’. Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonics, Keene, NH, USA, July 23-28, 2006. Salakhutdinov I., Leosson K., Nikolajsen T., Bozhevolnyi S.I. „Characterization of long-range surface plasmon-polariton in polymer-metal stripe waveguides by scanning near-field optical microscopy“. Organic Photonics and Electronics, October 8-12, 2006, Rochester, NY, Paper OPTuD. Einkaleyfi An optical system, an optical chip for an optical system and a method of using an optical chip for an analytical operation (PA 2006/00012, Bozhevolnyi, Thomsen, Leosson, Sørensen, Hansen, Williams). Fræðsluefni Fræðileg erindi um örtæknirannsóknir við HÍ voru flutt á námskynningum, á námskeiðinu „Eðlisfræði í rann- sóknum“, fyrir starfsfólk læknadeildar, í Menntaskólanum við Hamrahlíð, fyrir menntaskólanema frá Færeyjum o.fl. 153 Raunvísindastofnun
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