Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Side 155

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Side 155
Stærðfræðistofa Violeta Calian sérfræðingur Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum To permute or not permute. Y. Huang, H. Xu, V. Calian, J. C. Hsu, Bioinformatics, vol. 22, issue 18 (2006) 2244-2248. The effective size of the Icelandic population inferred from unphased microsatellite markers and the prospects for LD mapping. Th. Bataillon, Th. Mailund, S. Thorlacius, E. Steingrimsson, Th. Rafnar, M. M. Halldorsson, V. Calian, M. H. Schierup. European Journal of Human Genetics (2006) 1-10. Fyrirlestrar On permutation tests. V. Calian. Mathematics seminar at the University of Iceland, March 2006. Theoretical calculation of resampling distributions. V. Calian. Mathematics seminar at the University of Iceland, May 2006. Multiple hypotheses testing: theoretical results on resampling distributions. V. Calian. ICE-TCS seminar at Reykjavik University, November 2006: (http://www.ru.is/icetcs/). Migration modeling for multispecies dynamics. Violeta Calian, Gunnar Stefansson, Lorna Taylor, James Begley, Audbjorg Jakobsdottir. University of Iceland, FMAP network meeting, Reykjavik, 2006. (www.fmap.ca/FMAP_Agenda_Iceland.pdf). Asymptotic expansions in multiple testing. Violeta Calian. Uncertainty in ecological analysis, MBI at Ohio State University, Columbus, April 3-7, 2006. (http://mbi.osu.edu/2005/ws5participants.html) To permute or not permute. Y. Huang, H. Xu, V. Calian, J. C. Hsu. Joint Statistical Meeting 2006 – Seattle, August 6-10, 2006. (http://www.amstat.org/meetings/JSM/2006/). Veggspjald The effective size of the Icelandic population inferred from unphased microsatellite markers and the prospects for LD mapping. Th. Bataillon, Th. Mailund, S. Thorlacius, E. Steingrimsson, Th. Rafnar, M. M. Halldorsson, V. Calian, M. H. Schierup. (Poster P007) at: Meiosis and the causes and consequences of recom-bination, University of Warwick, U.K., 29-31 March 2006. (http://www.biochemistry.org/meetings/postertoc/SA049/d efault.htm) Þórður Jónsson vísindamaður Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum B. Durhuus, T. Jonsson and J. F. Wheater. Random walks on combs. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 1009-1037. B. Durhuus, T. Jonsson and J.F. Wheater. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science proc. AG (2006) 183-192. Fyrirlestrar Skammtarúmfræði. Raunvísindaþing, 3.3. 2006. The spectral dimension of generic trees, Háskólinn í Reykjavík, 15.11. 2006. Random walks on random combs and trees. Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, 9.3. 2006. The spectral dimension of combs and trees, Spht Saclay, 10.5. 2006. Jarðvísindastofnun Andri Stefánsson rannsóknastöðustykþegi Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti Arnórsson S., Bjarnarson J.Ö., Giroud N., I. Gunnarsson, and Stefánsson A. (2006). Sampling and analysis of geothermal fluids. Geofluids 6, 203-216. Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir Stefánsson, A. (2006). Results of spectrophotometric measurements in the system Fe(ClO4)3+ HClO4+H2O to 200°C and Fe3+ hydrolysis. Institute of Earth Sciences Report, RH-22-2006. Stefánsson, A. (2006). Iron(III) hydrolysis and solubility at 25°C. Results of potentiometric, spectrophotometric and solubility measurements. Institute of Earth Sciences Report, RH-24-2006. Stefánsson, A. (2006). Results of spectrophotometric measurements in the system Fe(III)+HCl+NaCl+HClO4+H2O to 200°C and stability of iron(III) chloride complexes. Institute of Earth Sciences Report, RH-23-2006. Fyrirlestrar Gaidos E., Þorsteinsson Þ., Johannesson T., Skidmore M., Stefansson A., Elefsen S., Lanoil B., Marteinsson V., Einarsson B., Kjartansson V., Gislason S., de Camargo L., Kristjansson J., Miller M., Roberts MJ, Sigurdsson GJ, Sigurdsson O. (2006) Circulation, chemistry and biology of the subglacial lake beneath the Skaftarkatlar cauldron, Iceland. AGU fall meeting, 87, 53. 2006. How do hydrothermal gold deposits form? Vorráðstefna Jarðfræðafélags Íslands. Veggspjöld Andri Stefánsson, Ingvi Gunnarsson, Anton Carrasco, Axel B. Kleindienst, Elisabeth Neubauer, Felix W. Von Aulock, Ingi Þ. H. Kúld, Joseph O. Ajayi, Kizito M. Opondo, Kristinn L. Guðmundsson, Sonja Theissen, Steinþór Níelsson, Stephanie A. Hahnewald, Ursina Liebke (2006). Geothermal waters in Geysir area – Mixing, boiling, water- rock interaction and conceptual model. Spring meeting of the Icelandic Geological Soc. Ingvi Gunnarsson, Andri Stefánsson, Níels Óskarsson, Anton Carrasco, Axel B. Kleindienst, Elisabeth Neubauer, Felix W. Von Aulock, Ingi Þ. H. Kúld, Joseph O. Ajayi, Kizito M. Opondo, Kristinn L. Guðmundsson, Sonja Theissen, Steinþór Níelsson, Stephanie A. Hahnewald, Ursina Liebke (2006). Acid geothermal waters and elemental mobility at Krísuvík. Spring meeting of the Icelandic Geological Soc. Ármann Höskuldsson fræðimaður Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti Constraints on the dynamics of subglacial basalt eruptions from geological and geochemical observations at Kverkfjöll, NE- Iceland. Armann Höskuldsson, Robert S. J. Sparks, Michael R. Carroll. 2006 Bull. Volcanol Vol. 68:7-8 DOI 10.1007/s00445-005-0043-4 Fyrirlestrar The evolution of the Vestmannaeyjar volcanic system, Southern Iceland. Höskuldsson, A., Kjartansson E., Hey, R. and Mattson, H. (oral). 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 9-12, 2006, Oulu, Finland. Constraints on the dynamics of subglacial basalt eruptions from geological and geochemical observations at Kverkfjöll, NE- 155
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Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands

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