Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Qupperneq 158

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Qupperneq 158
accumulation and variable ice load. International Symposium on Earth and Planetary Ice-Volcano Interactions, Reykjavík, Iceland, 19-23 June 2006. Pagli, C., Sigmundsson, F., Lund, B., Geirsson, H., Sturkell, E., Einarsson, P., & Árnadóttir, Th. 2006. Glacio-isostatic deformation around the Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland: Observations and Finite Element Modeling. International Symposium on Earth and Planetary Ice-Volcano Interactions, Reykjavík, Iceland, 19-23 June 2006. Keiding, M., Arnadottir, T., Lund, B., Sturkell, E., Geirsson, H., & Slunga, R. 2006. Strain and Stress Along the Reykjanes Peninsula Oblique Spreading Ridge, South Iceland. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G34A-08. Magnússon, E., Rott, H., Björnsson, H., Roberts, M. J., Berthier, E., Pálsson, F., Geirsson, H., Gudmundsson, S., Bennett, R., & Sturkell, E. 2006. Unsteady Glacier Flow Revealed by Multi-Source Satellite Data. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C53A-02. Ormö, J., Lindström, M., & Sturkell, E. 2006. Sedimentological analysis of the resurge breccia in the Lockne-2 drill core in the inner, deepest part of the crater: evidence for multiple pulses of a forceful (deep water) resurge. Impact craters as indicators for planetary environmental evolution and astrobiology, Östersund (Sweden), June 8-14, 2006. Lindström, M., Ormö, J., & Sturkell, E. 2006. The Caledonian context of the Lockne crater. Impact craters as indicators for planetary environmental evolution and astrobiology, Östersund (Sweden), June 8-14, 2006. Soosalu, H., White, R.S., Einarsson, P., Hjartardóttir, Á.R., Jakobsdóttir, S.S., Pedersen, R. & Sturkell, E. 2006. Curious seismicity in the Herðubreið area at the divergent plate boundary in north Iceland. ESC workshop, Seismic phenomena associated with volcanicactivity, Olot, Spain, 18-24.9. 2006, 1 p. Árnadóttir, Th., Jiang, W., Geirsson, H., Sturkell, E., Pagli, C., Sigmundsson, F., Einarsson, P., & Sigurdsson, Th. 2006. Plate spreading and uplift in Iceland (Landrek og landris á Íslandi). Geoscience Society of Iceland, spring meeting, April 19, 2006, Reykjavík. Sigmundsson, F., Einarsson, P., Sturkell, E., Ófeigsson, B., Grapenthin, R., Geirsson, H., Jakobsdóttir, S., & Halldórs- son, P. 2006. Geologic hazards in the Kárahnjúkar area and their monitoring: Will the Hálslón reservoir trigger deformation, fault slip and fracture opening? Geoscience Society of Iceland, Spring meeting April 19, 2006. Geirsson, H., Árnadóttir, Þ., & Sturkell, E. 2006. Plate spreading and magma dynamics revealed by 7 years of continuous GPS measurements in Iceland. Geoscience Society of Iceland, Autumn meeting 27/10-2006, 10. Árnadóttir, Þ., Jónsson, S., Pollitz, F., Pedersen, R., Dubois, L., Feigl, K.L., LaFemina, P., Keiding, M., Hreinsdóttir, S., Geirsson, H., Jiang, W., & Sturkell, E. 2006. Modeling of crustal deformation in Iceland. Geoscience Society of Iceland, Autumn meeting 27/10-2006, 11-13. Sigmundsson, F., Pedersen, R., Pagli, C., Sturkell, E., Einarsson, P., Árnadóttir, Þ., Feigl, K.L., & Pinel, V. 2006. Deformation of Icelandic volcanoes: Overview and examples from Hengill, Bárðarbunga and Gjálp. Geoscience Society of Iceland, Autumn meeting 27/10-2006, 16. Sturkell, E., Einarsson, P., Sigmundsson, F., Geirsson, H., Soosalu, H., Knox, C., Ólafsson, H., Pedersen, R., & Theodórsson, T. 2006. Present-day deformation at the Grímsvötn, Askja and Krafla volcanoes. Geoscience Society of Iceland, Autumn meeting 27/10-2006, 17-18. Pedersen, R., Sigmundsson, F., Sturkell, E., Hooper, A., Geirsson, H., Einarsson, P., & Ágústsson, K. 2006. Volcano deformation studies in the propagating rift zone; Hekla, Torfajökull, Eyjafjallajökull and Katla. Geoscience Society of Iceland, Autumn meeting 27/10-2006, 19-20. Sigmundsson, F., Pagli, C., Sturkell, E., Geirsson, H., Grapenthin, R., Pinel, V., Einarsson, P., Árnadóttir, Þ., Lund, B., Feigl, K., Pedersen, R., Björnsson, H., & Pálsson, F. 2006. Load induced crustal deformation at the Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland. Geoscience Society of Iceland, Autumn meeting 27/10-2006, 22. Roberts, M., Magnússon, E., Geirsson, H., & Sturkell, E. 2006. Meltwater dynamics beneath Skeiðarárjökull from continuous GPS Measurements). Geoscience Society of Iceland, Autumn meeting 27/10-2006, 23. Veggspjöld Pagli, C., Sigmundsson, F., Lund, B., Geirsson, H., Sturkell, E., Einarsson, P., & Árnadóttir, T. 2006. Ongoing and future glacio-isostatic crustal adjustments around Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland due to ice retreat: GPS measurements and Finite Element Modeling. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, EGU06-A-06726. Ófeigsson, B.G., Sturkell, E., Sigmundsson, F., Ólafsson H., & Einarsson, P. 2006. Jarðskorpuhreyfingar á Kárahnjúkasvæðinu: GPS mælingar árið 2005. Raunvísindaþing, Reykjavík, March 3-4, 2006. Sturkell, E., Ágústsson, K., Linde, A.T., Sacks, S.I., Einarsson, P., Sigmundsson, F., Geirsson, H., Ólafsson, H., Pedersen, R., & La Femina, P. 2006. Kvikusöfnun djúpt undir Heklu. Raunvísindaþing, Reykjavík, March 3-4, 2006. Sturkell, E., Sigmundsson, F., & Geirsson, H. 2006. Inflation/deflation cycle of Grimsvötn volcano caused by magma movements prior to and during eruptions: constrains from GPS measurements 1992-2005. International Symposium on Earth and Planetary Ice- Volcano Interactions, Reykjavík, Iceland, 19-23 June 2006. Keiding, M., Lund, B., Árnadóttir, Th., & Sturkell, E. 2006. Strain and stress on the Reykjanes Peninsula. The 37th Nordic Seminar on Detection Seismology, Nesjavellir, Iceland. Pagli, C., Sigmundsson, F., Lund, B., Geirsson, H., Sturkell, E., Einarsson, P., & Arnadottir, T. 2006. Solid Earth Response to Recent Climate Warming: Glacio-isostatic deformation around the Vatnajokull ice cap, Iceland, Induced by Glacier Retreat Last Century. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G33B-0068. Sigmundsson, F., Eysteinsson, H., Einarsson, P., & Sturkell, E. 2006. Krafla Rifting Episode 1975-1984: Constraints on Magma Flow From Time Series of Crustal Deformation and Gravity Change. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T41B-1567. Sturkell, E.C., Sigmundsson, F., Geirsson, H., Pedersen, R., de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, E., Olafsson, H., & Theodorsson, T. 2006. Local deformation processes 1989-2005 at Krafla volcano, Iceland: Constraints from levelling, tilt, InSAR and GPS observations. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G53A-0876. Ófeigsson, B., Einarsson, P., Sigmundsson, F., Sturkell, E., Ólafsson, H., Grapenthin, R., & Geirsson, H., 2006: Expected Crustal Movements due to the Planned Hálslón Reservoir in Iceland. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T13A-0495. Geirsson, H., Arnadottir, T., Bennett, R., Hreinsdottir, S., Jonsson, S., LaFemina, P., Sturkell, E., Villemin, T., & Miyazaki, S. 2006. Establishment of a high-rate continuous GPS network in Iceland. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G43B-1003. Roberts, M J., Magnusson, E Magnusson, E., Bennett, R ., Geirsson, H., Sturkell, E., Bjornsson, H., Palsson, F., & Rott, H. 2006. Meltwater Dynamics Beneath Skeidararjokull From Continuous GPS Measurements and Seismic Observations. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C31A-1232. Árnadóttir, T., Jiang, W., Geirsson, H., Sturkell, E., Pagli, C., 158
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