Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 161

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 161
Guðrún Þ. Larsen fræðimaður Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Elíasson, J., Larsen, G., Guðmundsson, M.T., Sigmundsson, F. 2006. Probabilistic model for eruptions and associated flood events in the Katla caldera, Iceland. Computational Geosciences 10: 179-200. DOI: 10.1007/s10596-005-9018-y. Gehrels, W.R., Marshall, W.A., Gehrels, M.J., Larsen, G., Kirby, J.R., Eiriksson, J., Heinemeier, J., and Shimmield, T. 2006. Rapid sea-level rise in the North Atlantic Ocean since the first half of the nineteenth century. The Holocene 16: 949- 965. Bókarkafli Alloway, BV., Larsen, G., Lowe, DJ., Shane, PAR., and Westgate, JA. 2006. Tephrochronology. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Volume 4: 2869-2898. Elsevier Ltd, Oxford. Fyrirlestrar Larsen, G. (Keynote). The tephra archives: Notes on the application of tephra in volcanological and environmental studies. George P.L. Walker symposium on Advances in Volcanology. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI). Abstracts: 28. June 12-17 2006, Reykholt, Iceland. Boðserindi á alþjóðlegri vísindaráðstefnu. Larsen, G. 2006 (Invited). There is something about tephra. Conference on Geosciences in Iceland: Current Research. University of Edinburgh, School of Geosciences, King Buildings, April 19. 2006. Boðserindi á alþjóðlegri vísindaráðstefnu – án ágrips. Guðrún Larsen, 2006 (Boðserindi BE2). Gjóskulög, hvað geta þau sagt okkur um gossögu eldstöðva á nútíma? Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla Íslands, Öskju 3.-4. mars 2006. www.raunvis.hi.is/Raunvisindathing06.html. Boðserindi á vísindaráðstefnu. Larsen, G., Gudmundsson, MT., Elíasson, J. 2006. The Myrdalssandur flood plain: Jökulhlaups as hazards and agents in environmental change, Abstract 061. International Glaciological Society, June 19-23, 2006, Askja, Reykjavík, Iceland. Erindi á alþjóðlegri vísindaráðstefnu. Óladóttir, B.A., Thordarson, Th, Larsen, G. Sigmarsson, O. 2006. Did the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap survive the Holocene thermal maximum? – Evidence from sulfur contents in Katla tephra layers from the last ~ 8400 years. Earth and Planetary Ice- volcano interactions. Abstract 025. International Glaciological Society, June 19-23, 2006, Askja, Reykjavík, Iceland. Erindi flutt af nemanda á alþjóðlegri vísindaráðstefnu. Óladóttir, B.A., Sigmarsson, O., Larsen, G. and Thordarson, Th. 2006. Tephra reveals Holocene magmatic evolution and eruption frequency of the subglacial Katla volcano, South Iceland. A George P.L. Walker symposium on Advances in Volcanology, Abstracts: 46. June 12-17 2006, Reykholt, Iceland. Erindi flutt af nemanda á alþjóðlegri vísindaráðstefnu. Heinemeier J, Eiríksson J, Larsen G, Knudsen KL, Símonarson LA. 2006. Marine reservoir age variability in the Iceland Sea. 19th Radiocarbon Conference, April 3-7, Oxford 2006, Book of Abstracts: 336. Fyrirlestur á alþjóðlegri vísindaráðstefnu. 2006. Þáttur þeytigosa í eldvirkni á nútíma. Vísindafélag Íslendinga, Norræna húsinu, 29. mars 2006. Boðserindi á vísindaráðstefnu. 2006. Náttúruvá, gosannáll, gjóskufall, Hekla og Katla. Viðlaga- trygging, 12. maí 2006. Erindi á vísindaráðstefnu – án ágrips. Larsen, G. 2006. Tephra as a tool in volcanology and environmental studies. (Úttektarnefnd fyrir Jarðvísindastofnun, Askja 132, 15. maí 2006) Erindi á vísindaráðstefnu – án ágrips. Larsen, G. 2006. There is something about tephra … Jarðvísindastofnun, fyrirlestraröð Nordic Volcanological Center, Askja, 10.03.2006. Erindi á vísindaráðstefnu – án ágrips. 2006. Þeytigos og gjóskulög, nokkrar vangaveltur. Félag eldri lækna, Læknafélag Íslands, 10. maí. Fræðilegt erindi – án ágrips. Guðrún Larsen o.fl. 2006. Hálslón – saga í örstuttu máli. Kynn- ingarfundur, Landsvirkjun, 11. október 2006. Fræðilegt erindi – án ágrips. Veggspjöld Oladottir, B A, Sigmarsson, O, Larsen, G, Thordarson, T. 2006. Magma Composition, Dynamics and Eruption Frequency at Katla Volcano, Iceland: a Holocene Tephra Layer Record. AGU Fall Meeting. Eos, Trans AGU 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V13B-0691. Veggspjald kynnt af nemanda á alþjóðlegri vísindaráðstefnu. Eiriksson, J, Knudsen, K, Larsen, G, Heinemeier, J, Simonar- son, L A. 2006. Comparison of tephrochronological and radiocarbon based age models for marine sedimentary records in the northern North Atlantic. AGU Fall Meeting. Eos, Trans AGU 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP33A- 1773. Veggspjald á alþjóðlegri vísindaráðstefnu. Bergrún A. Óladóttir, Olgeir Sigmarsson, Guðrún Larsen og Þorvaldur Þórðarson 2006. Gjóska uppljóstrar leyndar- dómum Kötlu: kvikuþróun og gostíðni á nútíma. (V006). Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla Íslands, Öskju, 3.-4. mars 2006. www.raunvis.hi.is/Raunvisindathing06.html. Veggspjald kynnt af nemanda á vísindaráðstefnu. Jón Eiríksson, Guðrún Larsen, Leifur A. Símonarson, Karen Luise Knudsen, Helga Bára Bartels og Esther Guðmunds- dóttir 2006. Loftslagsrannsóknir og fornhaffræði í brenni- depli við Jarðvísindastofnun Háskólans. Focus on climate change at the Earth Science Institute, University of Iceland. (V013). Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla Íslands, Öskju, 3.-4. mars 2006. www.raunvis.hi.is/Raunvisindathing06.html. Veggspjald á vísindaráðstefnu. Helgi Björnsson vísindamaður Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Björnsson, Helgi, Sverrir Guðmundsson, Finnur Pálsson and Hannes H. Haraldsson 2006. Glacier winds on Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland and their relation to temperatures of its environs. Annals of Glaciology, 42, 291-296. Aðalgeirsdóttir, G., H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson, E. Magnússon 2006. Analyses of a surging outlet glacier of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland. Annals of Glaciology, 42, 23-28. Aðalgeirsdóttir, G., T. Jóhannesson, H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson and O. Sigurðsson 2006. Response of Hofsjökull and southern Vatnajökull, Iceland, to climate change. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 111, F03001, doi:10.1029/2005JF000388,2006. Brandt, Ola, Helgi Björnsson and Yngvar Gjessing. 2006. Mass- balance rates derived by mapping internal tephra layers in Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull ice caps, Iceland. Annals of Glaciology, 42, 284-290. Calluy, G. H. K., H. Björnsson, J. W. Gruell and J. Oerlemans 2006. Estimating the mass balance of Vatnajökull, Iceland, from NOAA AVHRR imagery. Annals of Glaciology, 42, 118- 124. Berthier, E., H. Björnsson, F. Pálsson, K.L. Feigl, M. Lubes and F. Rémy 2006. The level of the Grímsvötn subglacial lake, Vatnajökull, Iceland, monitored with SPOT5 images. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 243, 293-302. 161
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