Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Blaðsíða 173
Annals of Geophysics, vol. 49, no.1, pp. 311-318, February
2006. F. Dell’Acqua, P. Gamba, V. Casella, F. Zucca, J.A.
Benediktsson, G.G. Wilkinson, A. Galli, G.A. Jones, D.
Greenhill og L. Ripke,
Classification of Remote Sensing Images from Urban Areas
Using a Fuzzy Possibilistic Model. IEEE Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 3, no. 1, bls. 40-44, 2006. J.
Chanussot, M. Fauvel og J.A. Benediktsson.
Random Forests for Land Cover Classification. Pattern
Recognition Letters, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 294-300, 2006. P.O.
Gislason, J.A. Benediktsson og J.R. Sveinsson.
Kaflar í ráðstefnuritum
“Feature Selection for Morphological Feature Extraction Using
Random Forests”. Proceedings of the 2006 Nordic Signal
Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006), Reykjavik, Iceland,
pp. 10-13, June 7-9, 2006. Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/NORSIG.2006.275263. S.R. Joelsson, J.A.
Benediktsson og J.R. Sveinsson.
Spectrally Consistent Satellite Image Fusion with Improved
Image Priors. Proceedings of the 2006 Nordic Signal
Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006), Reykjavik, Iceland,
pp. 14-17, June 7-9, 2006. Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/NORSIG.2006.275264. H. Aanæs, J.R. Sveinsson,
A.Aa. Nielsen, J.A. Benediktsson og T. Bövith.
Unsupervised Change-Detection in Color Fundus Images of the
Human Retina. Proceedings of the 2006 Nordic Signal
Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006), Reykjavik, Iceland,
pp. 134-137, June 7-9, 2006. Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/NORSIG.2006.275211. A. Nappo, J.A. Benediktsson,
S.B. Serpico, S.R. Joelsson, G. Moser, R.A. Karlsson, G.H.
Halldorsson, S.H. Hardarson og E. Stefansson.
Automatic Evaluation of Fundus Image Quality, Proceedings of
the 2006 Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG
2006), Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 138-141, June 7-9, 2006.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/NORSIG.2006.275212. Höf.:
S.R. Joelsson, R.A. Karlsson, G.H. Halldorsson, S.H.
Hardarson, T. Eysteinsson, E. Stefansson og J.A.
The Physical Meaning of Independent Components and Artifact
Removal of Hyperspectral Data from Mars Using ICA.
Proceedings of the 2006 Nordic Signal Processing
Symposium (NORSIG 2006), Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 226-
230, June 7-9, 2006. Digital Object Identifier
10.1109/NORSIG.2006.275229 Award Winning Paper: Best
Student Paper. H. Hauksdottir, C. Jutten, F. Schmidt, J.
Chanussot, J.A. Benediktsson og S. Doute.
Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Feature Reduction in
Hyperspectral Images Analysis. Proceedings of the 2006
Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006),
Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 238-241, June 7-9, 2006. Digital
Object Identifier 10.1109/NORSIG.2006.275232. M. Fauvel, J.
Chanussot og J.A. Benediktsson.
Combined Curvelet and Wavelet Denoising. Proceedings of the
2006 Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006),
Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 318-321, June 7-9, 2006. Digital
Object Identifier 10.1109/NORSIG.2006.275244. B.B
Saevarsson, J.R. Sveinsson og J.A. Benediktsson.
Evaluation of Kernels for Multiclass Classification of
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data. Proceedings of
ICASSP 2006, Toulouse, France, Vol. 2, pp. II-813 - II-816,
May 2006. M. Fauvel, J. Chanussot og J.A. Benediktsson.
Fusion of Morphological and Spectral Information for
Classification of Hyperspectal Urban Remote Sensing Data.
2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium (IGARSS’06), Denver, Colorado, pp. 2506-2509,
July 31-August 4, 2006. J.Ae. Palmason, J.A. Benediktsson,
J.R. Sveinsson og J.Chanussot.
Smoothing of Fused Spectral Consistent Satellite Images. 2006
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium (IGARSS’06), Denver, Colorado, pp. 1796-1799,
July 31-August 4, 2006. Höf.: J.R. Sveinsson, J.A.
Benediktsson og H. Aanæs.
Advanced Processing of Hyperspectral Images. 2006 IEEE
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
(IGARSS’06), Denver, Colorado, pp. 1974-1978, July 31-
August 4, 2006. A. Plaza, J.A. Benediktsson, J.W. Board-
man,J. Brazile, L. Bruzzone, G. Camps-Valls, J. Chanussot,
M. Fauvel, P. E. Gamba, A. Gaultieri og J.C. Tilton.
S.R. Joelsson, J.A. Benediktsson and J.R. Sveinsson, „Random
Forest Classification of Remote Sensing Data”. Signal and
Image Processing for Remote Sensing (edited by C.H.
Chen). CRC Press, New York, pp. 327-344, 2006.
Feature Selection for Morphological Feature Extraction Using
Random Forests, 2006 Nordic Signal Processing
Symposium (NORSIG 2006), Reykjavik, Iceland, Dags.
flutnings: 8. júní 2006. Höf.: S.R. Joelsson, J.A.
Benediktsson og J.R. Sveinsson. Flytjandi: Sveinn R.
Jóelsson (meistaranemi Jóns Atla Benediktssonar).
Unsupervised Change-Detection in Color Fundus Images of the
Human Retina. 2006 Nordic Signal Processing Symposium
(NORSIG 2006), Reykjavik, Iceland. Dags. flutnings: 9. júní
2006. A. Nappo, J.A. Benediktsson, S.B. Serpico, S.R. Joels-
son, G. Moser, R.A. Karlsson, G.H. Halldorsson, S.H. Hard-
arson og E. Stefansson. Flytjandi: Jón Atli Benediktsson.
Automatic Evaluation of Fundus Image Quality. 2006 Nordic
Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006), Reykjavik,
Iceland. Dags. flutnings: 9. júní 2006. S.R. Joelsson, R.A.
Karlsson, G.H. Halldorsson, S.H. Hardarson, T. Eysteins-
son, E. Stefansson og J.A. Benediktsson. Flytjandi: Sveinn
R. Jóelsson (meistaranemi Jóns Atla Benediktssonar).
The Physical Meaning of Independent Components and Artifact
Removal of Hyperspectral Data from Mars Using ICA. 2006
Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006),
Reykjavik, Iceland. Dags. flutnings: 9. júní 2006. H.
Hauksdottir, C. Jutten, F. Schmidt, J. Chanussot, J.A.
Benediktsson og S. Doute. Dags. flutnings: 25. júlí 2005.
Flytjandi: Hafrún Hauksdóttir (meistaranemi Jóns Atla
Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Feature Reduction in
Hyperspectral Images Analysis. 2006 Nordic Signal
Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2006), Reykjavik, Iceland.
Dags. flutnings: 9. júní. M. Fauvel, J. Chanussot og J.A.
Benediktsson. Flytjandi: Mathieu Fauvel (doktorsnemi Jóns
Atla Benediktssonar).
Fusion of Morphological and Spectral Information for
Classification of Hyperspectal Urban Remote Sensing Data.
2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium (IGARSS’06), Denver, Colorado, July 31-
August 4, 2006. Dags. flutnings: 1. ágúst 2006. J.Ae.
Palmason, J.A. Benediktsson, J.R. Sveinsson og
J.Chanussot. Flytjandi: Jón Atli Benediktsson.
Smoothing of Fused Spectral Consistent Satellite Images. 2006
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium (IGARSS’06), Denver, Colorado, July 31-
August 4, 2006. Dags. flutnings: 1. ágúst 2006. J.R.
Sveinsson, J.A. Benediktsson og H. Aanæs. Flytjandi: Jón
Atli Benediktsson.
Analysis of Urban SAR Data Using Morphological Pre-
processing and Neural Networks. 2006 Cambridge
Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS
2006 Cambridge), Cambridge, MA, March 26-29, 2006.
Dags. flutnings: 28. mars 2006. J.A. Benediktsson, S.O.
Sigurjonsson, G. Lsini, P. Gamba, J. Chanussot og J.R.
Sveinsson. Flytjandi: Jón Atli Benediktsson.
Classification of Remote Sensing Data from Multiple Sources