Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Side 176
Shachnai, and Irina Shapira. Scheduling Split Intervals.
SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 36, No. 1, 1-15, 2006.
Thomas Bataillon, Thomas Mailund, Steinunn Thorlacius,
Eirikur Steingrimsson, Thorunn Rafnar, Magnus M.
Halldorsson, Violeta Calian, Mikkel H. Schierup. The
effective size of the Icelandic population inferred from
unphased microsatellite markers and the prospects for LD
mapping. European Journal of Human Genetics, Advance
online publication 31 May 2006; doi:
Magnús M. Halldórsson, Ragnar K. Karlsson. On split interval
graphs and scheduling. In Proc. 32nd International
Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer
Science WG 2006, Bergen. Spring Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 4110.
Leah Epstein, Magnús M. Halldórsson, Asaf Levin, Hadas
Shachnai. Weighted Sum Coloring in Batch Scheduling of
Conflicting Jobs. APPROX ‘06, Barcelona. Spring Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4271. LNCS.
Magnús M. Halldórsson, Takeshi Tokuyama. Minimizing
Interference of a Wireless Ad-Hoc Network in a Plane In
Proc. 2nd International Workshop, ALGOSENSORS, Venice,
Italy, July, 2006. Spring Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 4240.
Magnús M. Halldórsson. Approximating the (h,k)-labelling
problem. Int. J. Mobile Mobile Network Design and
Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 2, 113-117, 2006. (Special Issue on
W-FAP ‘05), 2006.
Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir
Magnús M. Halldórsson, Alexander Wolff, Takeshi Tokuyama.
Improved fixed-parameter algorithms for non-crossing
subgraphs. Workshop on Improving Exponential-Time
Algorithms (iETA).
Luca Aceto, Magnús M. Halldórsson, Anna Ingolfsdottir. ICE-
TCS Annual Report, April 2005 – May 2006. Til
takmarkaðrar dreifingar.
“Strip graphs: Recognition and scheduling’’. WG 2006. Haldið af
Ragnari Karlssyni, M.S.-nema MMH.
“Approximating Batched Coloring Problems’’. EURO 2006, 4. júlí
2006. Haldið af MMH.
“Greedy Approach to Independent Set Problem in Bounded-
Degree Hypergraphs’’. EURO 2006, 5. júlí 2006. Haldið af
Elenu Losievskaja, Ph.D.-nema MMH.
“Strip graphs: Recognition and scheduling’’. EURO 2006, 4. júlí
2006. Haldið af Ragnari Karlssyni, M.S.-nema MMH.
“Minimizing Interference of a Wireless Ad-Hoc Network in a
Plane’’. ALGOSENSORS, 15. júlí 2006. Haldið af MMH.
“Weighted Sum Coloring in Batch Scheduling of Conflicting
Jobs’’. APPROX, 29. ágúst 2006. Haldið af Hadas Shachnai.
“Algorithms for a networked world’’. ICE-TCS Seminar, 17.
febrúar 2006.
“Spectrum sharing games’’. Tohoku University, 7. mars 2006.
“Improved fixed-parameter algorithms for non-crossing
subgraphs’’. Önnur árleg ráðstefna ICE-TCS, þekkingar-
seturs í fræðilegri tölvunarfræði, Öskju, 31. maí 2006.
“Improved fixed-parameter algorithms for non-crossing
subgraphs’’. ICALP Affiliated Workshop for improving
Exponential-Time Algorithms (iETA), 16. júlí 2006.
“Algorithms for non-crossing spanning trees’’. 2nd Research
Workshop on Flexible Network Design, University of
Bologna Residential Center, Bertinoro, Italy, 5. október
“Algorithms for a networked world’’. NHC Symposium on
Discrete Algorithms, Chofu, Invited talk, 2. mars 2006.
“Approximation techniques for graph coloring problems’’. NHC
Autumn School, Seto, 16. nóvember 2006.
Einn af aðalritstjórum (managing editor) tímaritsins Discrete
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
www.dmtcs.org. (Stýrir sex svæðaritstjórum (section
Oddur Benediktsson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Oddur Benediktsson, Darren Dalcher and Helgi Thorbergsson.
Comparison of software development life cycles: a
multiproject experiment. IEE Proc.-Softw., Vol. 153, No. 3,
June 2006, pp 87-101.
Darren Dalcher, Oddur Benediktsson. Managing Software
Development Project Size: Overcoming The Effort-Boxing
Constraint. Project Management Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2,
June 2006, pp 51-58.
Risk assessment of safety critical systems. Invited lecture.
University College Dublin, December 14. 2006, UCD room
B1.09 Computer Science Building.
Í vinnuhópi WG 9.7 History of Nordic Computing hjá
International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP).
Sven Sigurðsson prófessor
Bókarkaflar og kaflar í ráðstefnuritum
Zero Optimizing Tracking and Disturbance Rejecting Controllers
– The extended PID controller. Proceedings of the 45th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2006. The 45th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego,
California, December 13-15, pp. 8633-8638. A.S.
Hauksdóttir, G. Herjólfsson, S.Þ. Sigurðsson.
Scheduled Control of a Small Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
using Zero optimization. Proceedings of the 45th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control 2006. The 45th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego,
California, December 13-15, pp. 5900-5905. H. Þorgilsson,
G. Herjólfsson, A.S. Hauksdóttir, S.Þ. Sigurðsson.
Closed Form Expressions of Linear Continuous- and Discrete
Time Filter Responses. Proceedings of the 7th Nordic
Signal Processing Symposium, 2006. The 7th Nordic Signal
Processing Symposium NORSIG 2006, Reykjavík, Iceland,
June 7-9, 4 bls. (ónúmeraðar á CD diski). G. Herjólfsson,
A.S. Hauksdóttir, S.Þ. Sigurðsson.
Reiknifræði líkana af göngum fiska. Boðserindi á
Raunvísindaþingi í Reykjavík, 2006. Erindi flutt föstudaginn
4. mars af Sven.
Zero Optimizing Tracking and Disturbance Rejecting Controllers
– The extended PID controller. Proceedings of the 45th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control2006. The 45th
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego,
California, December 13-15, pp. 8633-8638. A.S.
Hauksdóttir, G. Herjólfsson, S.Þ. Sigurðsson. Erindi flutt
föstudaginn 15. desember af Önnu Soffíu Hauksdóttur.
Scheduled Control of a Small Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
using Zero optimization. Proceedings of the 45th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control 2006. The 45th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego,
California, December 13-15, pp. 5900-5905. H. Þorgilsson,