Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Page 178
2006. „Sjálfbærar byggingar – hvaða kröfur gerir slíkt á
íslenskum markaði“. Erindi haldið á málþingi Sjálfbærar
byggingar á Íslandi – staðan í dag og framtíðarhorfur, á
vegum Sesseljuhúss og Orkuseturs, Sólheimum,
Árnessýslu, 20. sept.
2006. „Viðsnúin þök“. Erindi haldið á landsfundi Félags
byggingarfulltrúa, Reykholti, Borgarfirði, 14.-15.
2006. „Partnering på Island“. Seminar i regi av Nordiskt
kontaktnätverk „PartByg“ med stöd ifrån NICe, Ósló, 11.
september 2006.
2006. „Hönnun með tilliti til endingar“. Málstofa umhverfis- og
byggingarverkfræðiskorar, 23. mars.
2006. „Orkunotkun og einangrun bygginga“. Erindi á málþingi
Víðfari-Best: Málþing um umhverfismál í byggingariðnaði,
5. apríl 2006.
2006. „Raki í steyptum útveggjum“. Erindi haldið á
Steinsteypudegi 2006, 17. febrúar, birt í ráðstefnugögnum.
(Ófullgert). Húsagerð, kennsluefni fyrir byggingarverkfræðiskor
Háskóla Íslands, dreift í gegnum heimasíðu
námsgreinarinnar, 157 bls.
Jónas Elíasson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Eliasson J., Larsen, G., Gudmundsson, M. T., and Sigmundsson,
F. Probabilistic model for eruptions and associated flood
events in the Katla caldera, Iceland. Computational
Geosciences 10 (2): 179-200 JUN 2006.
Gardarsson S.M., and Eliasson J. Influence of climate warming
on Hálslón Reservoir sediment filling. Nordic Hydrology Vol
37 No 3 pp 235–245 © IWA Publishing 2006
Eliasson, J., Kjaran, S. P., Holm, S. L., Gudmundsson, M. T. and
Larsen, G. Large hazardous floods as translatory waves.
Environmental Modeling & Software (Special issue on
Modelling, computer-assisted simulations and mapping of
dangerous phenomena for hazard assessment edited by
Giulio Iovine, Toti Di Gregorio, Hirdy Miyamoto and Mike
Sheridan). Environmental Modelling & Software (2006) 1 –
Seminar 22.2. 2006 við Center for Interdisciplinary Research in
Fluid Physics (CIRF), University of California, Santa
Barbara Campus (UCSB). Catastrophic floods as
translatory waves. Stjórnandi: Eckart Meiburg prófessor,
Mechanical Engineering.
Seminar 8.3. 2006 við Dep. of Geological Sciences, University of
California, Santa Barbara Campus (UCSB). A Markov model
for hazard assessment of volcanogenic floods – Modeling
of eruption probabilities in a caldera volcano where the
eruption occurs in any of three different craters. Stjórnandi:
Jordan F. Clark prófessor, Geology.
Seminar 8.3. 2006 við Dep. of Mathematics, University of
California, Santa Barbara Campus (UCSB). The spectral
method – unsteady nonlinear geoundwater convection.
Stjórnandi: Bjorn Birnir prófessor, Applied Mathematics.
Ragnar Sigbjörnsson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Hazard assessment of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for close
and distant earthquakes. Journal of Earthquake
Engineering 10(5), 2006. Imperial College Press, pp. 749-
773. Sigbjörnsson, R., Elnashai, A. S.
Significance of severe distant and moderate close earthquakes
on design and behavior of tall buildings. The Structural
Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 15(4), 2006. John
Wiley & Sons, pp. 391-416. Mwafy, A., Elnashai, A. S.,
Sigbjörnsson, R., Salama, A.
Phases of earthquake experience: A case study of the June
2000 South Iceland Earthquake. Risk analysis. An
International Journal 26 (5), 2006, Blackwell, pp. 1235-1246.
Ákason, J. B., Ólafsson, S., Sigbjörnsson, R.
Perception and observation of residential safety during
earthquake exposure: A case study. Safety Science 44 (10),
2006, Elsevier, pp. 919-933. Ákason, J. B., Ólafsson, S. and
Sigbjörnsson, R.
Bókarkaflar og kaflar í ráðstefnuritum
Estimation of strong-motion acceleration applying point source
models. In Proceedings of the 8th US National Conference
on Earthquake Engineering. 2006. (pp. 10). San Francisco:
ERII. Olafsson, S., Sigbjörnsson, R.
Long-term dynamic behaviour of a multi-story RC-building in a
seismic environments. In Proceedings of the 8th US
National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 2006. (pp.
10). San Francisco: EERI. Snæbjörnsson, J. Th.,
Sigbjörnsson, R.
Near real-time estimation of earthquake damage: A study of
South Iceland earthquakes 2000. International Disaster
Reduction Conference IDRC, Davos 2006. (pp. 3).
Sigbjörnsson, R.
Real-time assessment of earthquake induced damage.
Lessons learned in Iceland. In Proceedings of the 1st
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology. 2006. (pp. 1). Geneva: SGEB. Sigbjörnsson, R.
Mapping of crustal strain rate tensor for Iceland with
applications to seismic hazard assessment. In
Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. 2006. (pp. 10).
Geneva: SGEB. Sigbjörnsson, R., Sigurðsson, T.,
Snæbjörnsson, J. T., & Valsson, G.
A comparative analysis of recorded strong ground motion in the
Azores and Iceland. In Proceedings of the 1st European
Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
2006. (pp. 1). Geneva: SGEB. Oliveira, C., Sigbjörnsson, R.,
& Ólafsson, S.
Attenuation in Iceland compared with other region. In
Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. 2006. (pp. 10).
Geneva: SGEB. Ólafsson, S., & Sigbjornsson, R.
A comparative study of three methods for estimation of site
effects. In Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. 2006. (pp. 1).
Geneva: SGEB. Ólafsson, S., & Sigbjörnsson, R.
Simplified analytical model of earthquake response spectra for
strike-slip earthquakes. In Proceedings of the 1st
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology. 2006. (pp. 1). Geneva: SGEB. Snæbjörnsson, J.,
Ólafsson, S., & Sigbjörnsson, R.
Reservoir induced earthquake action and crustal movements.
Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. 2006. (pp. 10).
Snæbjörnsson, J., Taylor, C. A., Stefansson, B., &
Sigbjörnsson, R.
Monitoring the dynamics of a concrete building enduring
earthquake and wind excitation. In Proceedings of the 1st
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology. 2006. (pp. 10). Geneva: SGEB. Snæbjörnsson,
J., & Sigbjörnsson, R.
A first look at the June 2000, M6.5 earthquakes in Iceland in