Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Qupperneq 184
Páll Jensson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Multiscale Planning and Scheduling in the Secondary
Pharmaceutical Industry (with Stefánsson, H. and Shah,
N). Grein birt í AIChE Journal (American Institute of
Chemical Engineers) vol. 52, no. 12 Dec 2006, p. 4133 (17
Impact of the cost of the time resource on efficiency of economic
processes (with Arnarson, I.). Grein birt í EJOR (European
Journal of Operational Research), Vol. 172, Issue 2, July
2006, p. 616 (15 bls).
Hringormar í þorski – Útbreiðsla og árstíðasveiflur (með Sveini
Margeirssyni, Guðmundi R. Jónssyni og Sigurjóni Arasyni).
Árbók VFÍ/TFÍ 2006, Verkfræðingafélag Íslands, bls 217 (8
Fræðileg skýrsla
Ranking many harbor projects (með Snjólfi Ólafssyni). Working
Paper nr. W06:02 í ritaröð Viðskiptafræðistofnunar HÍ, okt.
2006, 20 bls.
An Integer Programming Model for the Management of Salmon
Acquaculture. Computational Experience and Results (with
Gunn, E.A.). Erindi flutt á EURO2006, 21. European
Conference on Operations Research, Reykjavík, 3.-5. júlí
Decision Support System in the Icelandic Cod Industry (with
Margeirsson, S., Guðmundsson, R. and Arason, S.). Erindi
flutt af Sveini Margeirssyni og Runólfi Guðmundssyni á
EURO2006, 21. European Conference on Operations
Research, Reykjavík, 3.-5. júlí 2006.
The Prospect Algorithm, an on-line algorithm for bin-covering
problems with known item distribution (with Asgeirsson,
A.). Erindi flutt af Agna Ásgeirssyni á EURO2006, 21.
European Conference on Operations Research, Reykjavík,
3.-5. júlí 2006.
Back to the basics: Continous or discrete time, campaign or
order scheduling (with Sigmarsdottir, S.L. and Stefansson,
H.). Erindi flutt af Sigrúnu Lilju Sigmarsdóttur á EURO2006,
21. European Conference on Operations Research,
Reykjavík, 3.-5. júlí 2006.
Hierarchically Structured Integrated Multi-scale Algorithm for
Production Planning and Scheduling (with Stefansson, H.
And Shah, N.). Erindi flutt af Hlyn Stefánssyni á EURO2006,
21. European Conference on Operations Research,
Reykjavík 3.-5. júlí 2006.
Profitability Assessment Model for Fisheries and Fish Farming.
Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu ICEIDA: Fisheries and Aquaculture
in Southern Africa: Development and Management,
Windhoek, Namibia, 21.-24. ágúst 2006.
Tómas Philip Rúnarsson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Thomas Philip Runarsson. Ordinal Regression in Evolutionary
Computation Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN
IX). Lecture notes in computer science. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, pp. 1048-1057 2006.
Thomas Philip Runarsson. Approximate Evolution Strategy
using Stochastic Ranking. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, Vancouver, Canada, July 17, 2006, pp. 745-
Simon Lucas and Thomas Philip Runarsson. Temporal
Difference Learning Versus Co-Evolution for Acquiring
Othello Position Evaluation. IEEE Computational
Intelligence and Games, p. 52-58, 2006.
Fræðileg skýrsla
J. J. Liang, T. P. Runarsson, E. Mezura-Montes, M. Clerc, P. N.
Suganthan, C. A. Coello Coello, K. Deb. „Problem
Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the CEC 2006“.
Special Session on Constrained Real-Parameter
Optimization, Technical Report, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore, 2006.
Approximate Evolution Strategy using Stochastic Ranking. IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Vancouver,
Canada, July 17, 2006.
Ordinal Regression in Evolutionary Computation. Parallel
Problem Solving from Nature, Reykjavik, 13 September,
Thomas Philip Runarsson, Hans-Georg Beyer, Edmund K.
Burke, Juan J. Merelo Guervós, L. Darrell Whitley, Xin Yao.
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN IX, 9th
International Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland, September 9-
13, 2006, Procedings Springer 2006.
Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation. http://ieee-cis.org/pubs/tec/editors/.
Invited programme committee member for the IEEE
Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games May
22-24 2006, University of Nevada, Reno/Lake Tahoe, USA.
Jónas Þ. Snæbjörnsson fræðimaður
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
Jónas Thór Snæbjörnsson and Chris P.W. Geurts (2006.)
Modelling surface pressure fluctuations on medium-rise
buildings. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial
Aerodynamics. Volume 94, Issue 11. November 2006,
Pages 845-858.
Kaflar í ráðstefnuritum
Snæbjörnsson, J. T., Taylor, C. A., Stefansson, B., &
Sigbjörnsson, R. (2006). Reservoir induced earthquake
action and crustal movements. In Proceedings of the 1st
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology (paper 1204, pp. 10). Geneva: SGE.
Snæbjörnsson, J.T., & Sigbjörnsson, R. (2006). Monitoring the
dynamics of a concrete building enduring earthquake and
wind excitation. In Proceedings of the 1st European
Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
(paper 1207, pp. 10). Geneva: SGE.
Sigbjörnsson, R., Sigurðsson, T., Snæbjörnsson, J. T., & Valsson,
G. (2006). Mapping of crustal strain rate tensor for Iceland
with applications to seismic hazard assessment. In
Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (paper 1211, pp.
10). Geneva: SGEB.
Snæbjörnsson J.T., Ólafsson S. and Sigbjornsson, R. (2006)
Simplified analytical model of earthquake response
spectra for strike-slip earthquakes, in Abstract Book - 1st
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology (abstract 1212, pp. 1).
Snæbjörnsson, J. T., Carr, A. J. & Sigbjörnsson, R. (2006) Long-
term dynamic behaviour of a multi-story RC-building in a
seismic environments. In Proceedings of the 8th US
National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (pp. 10).
San Francisco: EERI 2006.
Snæbjornsson, Jonas Thor; Carr, Athol J; Sigbjornsson, Ragnar
(2004). Analysing And Modelling Recorded Earthquake