Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Side 187

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2007, Side 187
Fixed Costs, Foreign Direct Investment, and Gravity with Zeros. University of Oregon Economics Department Working Papers, June 2006, No. UO-2006-17. 26 bls. Fyrirlestrar Fastur kostnaður, bein erlend fjárfesting og þyngdaraflslíkan með núllgildum. Nation Mirror, Seventh Social Science Conference of the Univeristy of Iceland, October 27, 2006. Nordic International Trade Seminar (NOITS). University of Iceland, Iceland, May 13, 2006. Research Overview Presentation. The Icelandic Centre for Research, February 8, 2006. Veggspjald Inbound Foreign Direct Investment in Iceland, October 27, 2006. Helgi Tómasson dósent Fyrirlestrar Workshop: Statistics: Introduction of statistical models: SEAFOODplus ráðstefna í Lissabon, 20.-21. mars 2006. Application of Bayesian methods to diffusion models. Valencia 8 ISBA, 8. ráðstefna um bayesíska tölfræði, Benidorm, 31. maí-7. júní 2006. Market microstructure analysis of interest rates. EURO XXI, 21st European Conference on Operational Research, Reykjavík, júlí 2006. Tölfræðilegt mat fjármálalíkana í samfelldum tíma. Ráðstefna í félagsvísindum, október 2006. Málstofa viðskipta- og hagfræðideildar. Rökfræði tölfræðilegra prófa: Saga og hugmyndir. Háskóla Íslands, 7. febrúar 2006. A Bayesian approach for empirical analysis of data from diffusions: An exercise in Taylor approximations. Fyrirlestur 19. júní 2006 í boði háskólans í Valencia. Overview of statistical methods in finance. Málstofa við Viðskiptaháskólann í Gautaborg, 29. nóvember 2006. (Boðserindi). The use of continous-time interest-rate models for discrete time decisions. Ráðstefna: Workshop on surveillance in finance, Gautaborg, 29. nóvember 2006. (Boðserindi). Applied statistical analysis of continuous-time models. Fyrirlestur í boði Viðskiptaháskólans í Jönköping, 11. desember 2006. Ragnar Árnason prófessor Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum 2006. Incentive-based Approaches to Sustainable Fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 63:699- 710. With 18 co-authors. Property rights in Fisheries: Iceland’s experience with ITQs. 2005. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 15:243-264. 2006. Commercialization of South Africa’s Subsistence Fisheries: Considerations, Criteria and Approach. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography 1:45-65. With Marsia Kashorte. Annað efni í ritrýndu fræðiriti 2006. Editorial. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization 61 2:145-8. With F.M. Baldursson and J.Th. Sturluson. Bókarkaflar og kaflar í ráðstefnuritum Aquaculture and Fisheries Interactions: Implications for the Global Supply of Fish. In K.J. Thompson and L. Venzi (eds.), The Economics of Aquaculture with respect to Fisheries. Proceedings of the 95th EAAE Seminar. University of Tuscia 2006. Peningastefna Seðlabankans: Svarar hún kostnaði? Í Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VII. Viðskipta- og hagfræðideild. Ritstjóri Ingjaldur Hannibalsson. Félagsvísindastofnun HÍ 2006. Global warming, small pelagic fisheries and risk 2006. In R. Hannesson, M. Barange and S.F. Herrick jr. (eds.), Climate Change and the Economics of the World´s Fisheries. Edward Elgar, Celtenham, UK. Er leyndardómur fjármagnsins einhver leyndardómur? Inngangur að íslenskri útgáfu á bók Hernando deSoto, Leyndardómur fjármagnsins. Fræðirit RSE. (Með Birgi þór Runólfssyni). Fræðileg skýrsla Conflicting uses of marine resources: Can ITQs promote an efficient solution? Institute of Economic studies Working Paper Series W06:07. 2006. Fyrirlestrar Global Rents Loss in Fisheries: Theoretical basis and Practical Considerations. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni Global Rents Loss in Fisheries. World Bank, Washington DC, 17.-18.1. 2006. Coastal Zone Fisheries in Iceland: Regulatory developments and Experiences. Workshop on Regulating Access to Marine Living Resources in the Coastal Zone: International experiences and Prospects for Brittany. Brest, 20.-21.1. 2006. Vessel Restrictions. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni Ways and Means of Allocating Resources. FAO Workshop, Fremantle, 23.-24. 2. 2006. Plenary: Commercial Allocation Issues. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnunni Sharing the Fish 06. Government of Western Australia/FAO Conference, Fremantle, 26.2-2.3. 2006. Rising Fuel Costs and European Fisheries. Conference on Energy Efficiency in Fisheries. European Commission, Brussel, 11.-12.5. 2006. Fisheries Enforcement: Basic Theory. IIFET Biennial conference 2006. Rebuilding Fisheries in an Uncertain Environment. Portsmouth, 11.-14.7. 2006. Fisheries Management: Basic Principles. Workshop on Fisheries and Aquaculture in Southern Africa: Development and Management. Windhoek, Namibia, 21.- 24.7. 2006. Financing of Fisheries and Aquaculture Projects. Workshop on Fisheries and Aquaculture in Southern Africa: Development and Management. Windhoek, Namibia, 21.- 24.7. 2006. Fisheries Self-Management Under ITQs. International Workshop: Advances in Property Rights-Based Fisheries Management. RSE, Reykjavík, 27.-29.8. 2006. Mini-Keynote. On the Economics of Ocean Ranching and Stock Enhancement. The Third International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching. Seattle, 18.-21.9. 2006. Harmonizing Recreational and Commercial Fisheries: An Integrated Rights Based Approach. PERC´s 16th Political Economy Forum. Evolving Approaches to Managing Marine Recreational Fisheries. Emigrant, Montana, 5.-8.10. 2006. Estimation of Global rents Loss in Fisheries: Empirical estimation I. General Considerations. Workshop on the Empirical Aspects of rents drain estimation. FAO, Rome, 5.6. 2006. Peningastefna Seðlabankans: Svarar hún kostnaði? Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VII. Reykjavík, 27.10. 2006. Eignarhald á náttúrugæðum: Hagræn sjónarmið. Erindi á ráðstefnu RSE: Hver á íslenska náttúru? Ráðstefna um 187
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Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands

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