

Sameiningin - 01.05.1927, Síða 36

Sameiningin - 01.05.1927, Síða 36
LARGEST PRIVATE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN CANADA THE BUSINESS COULEGE Ltd. 385% POKTAGE AVENTJE D. F. FERGUSON, Prcs, Cor. Portage Avenue anil Edmonton Strcet W. C. ANGUS, C.A. Prin. THE PUBLIC HAS CONEIDENCE IN THE SUCCESS Our anuual enroll- ment greatly exceeds the total combined yearly cnrolhnent of all other Bttsiness Colleges and Private Commer- cial Schools in tho Pro- vince of Manitoba. DAY SCHOOL COURSES EMPLOYMENT DEPAHTMENT We operate, for the benefit of our graduates and under-graduates, a free Einployment Bu- reau, which registers students who are qual- ified for various office positions and intro- duces them to business opportunities. Tliere is no charge to employers nor to our students for this service. 1. SECRETARIAL Bookkeeplng Accounting Arithmetic Rapid Caleulation Commercial Law Shorthand Typewriting Correspondence Spelling Penmanshlp Offíce Routine_______ >. OFFICE MACHINERY Comptometer Burrouqhs Calculator Machine Bookkeeplng Dietaphone_____ 3. STENOGRAPHY (Complete) Bookkeeping and Ac- counting (Elementary) Rapid Calculation Shorthand Typewriting Corrcspondenee Spelling Penmanship Office Routine 4. STENOGRAPHY ((Partial) Shorthand Typewriting Correspondence Penmanshjp Spelling Office Routine 5. ACCOUNTING Bookkceping Accounting Arithmetic Rapid Calculation Commercial Law Correspondence Spelling Penmanship Office Practice Typewriting (Optional) 6. HIGHER ACCOUNTING Cost Accounting Retail Wholesale Commission Lumber Manufacturing Corporation Automobile 7. GENERAL Arithmetlc Spclling English Grammar Corrcspondenco Punctuation Pcnmanship. The Home of Success—Edmonton Block ENROLL AT ANY TIME PIIONE: 25 843—25 844 Tlie Best Equipped, Best Conducted Business College in Canada



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