Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 6

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 6
4 ÁRDÍ S Dedication Service at bunrise By GISSUR ELIASSON There was a two-fold purpose inherent in the Dedication Ser- vice conducted at the Sunrise Camp on July 6. By their very nature these two functions belonged together for the one which constituted the official opening of the very attractive new building which had been donated to the camp by the I.O.G.T. lodges Hecla and Skuld looked to the future by increasing the present accommodations and facilities, while the other part of the dedication service was directed to the past inasmuch as it consisted of the unveiling of a beautiful memorial plaque, in tribute to those who had devoted their efforts to the building up of the camp while serving on the Board of Directors. The service was humble and unadorned. It was a service that eminated from the heart rather than the lips. Gathered together for this brief hour of devotion were people from near and far who in some instances had to plough through heavy rain-soaked roads to participate in a ceremony with which they were vitally and personally concerned. Here also had come a sizable group of the Hecla and Skuld members. They were the special guests invited by the Camp Committee in appreciation of the valuable donation which they had made to the camp. Mr. S. O. Bjerring, in his usual clear, kindly manner, spoke of this gift in his address which appears elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Johann T. Beck, speaking on behalf of the Good Templars with admirable conviction related how his or- ganization had always endeavoured to support those causes that were engaged in worthwhile service towards the betterment of the society wherein they functioned. Among these institutions he placed our beloved Betel and our Sunrise Camp, thereby bene- fitting the old and the young. Miss Inga Bjarnason, the versatile Director of the Camp, added greatly to the impressiveness of the service with her beautiful vocal solo and Mrs. Florence Ducharme, her accompanist also ac- companied the hymn singing which the congregation participated
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