Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 8

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 8
6 ÁRDIS The Master's Vineyard Delivered by S. O. BJERRING ai a Dedicaiion Service ai Sunrise Luiheran Camp, July 6, 1958 At this particular spot in the spacious outdoors and at this time the portion of scriptures just read appropriately suggested it- self as a basis for my brief remarks. The figure of the vineyard applies of course to the widest field of work and service in the cause of furthering and promoting the kingdom of God in the minds and hearts of old and young. The institution located on these grounds, dedicated as it is to serving youth can most assuredly be considered as a little corner of God’s vineyard where laborers of different qualifications and ability can find scope and a calling for their talents. We notice in the parable that some of the workers started early on the job, perhaps even before breakfast for there are some people so constituted that they must get moving with the first light of day. This recalls to my memory some matters relating to the camp that have been little known or lost sight of. It was in the early hours of this particular vineyard when the project was only an idea, without even a blue print, when the women of the Lutheran Women’s League were promoting their dream — for a dream it appeared to be at that date of ‘LVi decades ago — were presenting this vissionary plan to the Synodical convention of the Icelandic Lutheran Synod. They presented it not only at one convention but at successive yearly conventions, striving to enlist the active support of that body in the venture. Finally they obtained what might be termed a half-hearted blessing to go ahead on their own if they wished to do so! I say this not to cast reflection on the synod which had its own problems at the time but to show that the women were a few jumps ahead of them. The Lutheran Women’s League, nothing daunted, accepted the challenge and went ahead to prove the value and courage of their convictions. They started out on a modest scale by renting camp
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