Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 17

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 17
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 15 opportunities for their children. These people had lived and wor- shipped under the care and guidance of a state church. It is there- fore doubly interesting to read back on these historic events that . . . after heartbreaking farewells to their relatives and friends and their homeland, and a long weary journey across the Atlantic Ocean, then by train to Fishers Landing (now Grand Forks) then on down the Red River to Winnipeg, arriving there in October 1876, and landing on the Hudson’s Bay Flats, where the Canadian National Railway Station now stands, where small huts had been erected for their use, that . . . within the period of two years, they were deep in the project of organizing a congregation which was organized on August 11, 1878, and is now nearly 80 years old. For some years services were few and far between, being served by Rev. Halldor Briem of the Gimli Settlements, until in the winter of 1883 the congregation of 137 members sent a call to Rev. Jon Bjarnason in Iceland. He had served the New Iceland settlement along the shore of Lake Winnipeg, but had been called to Iceland owing to the illness of his father Rev. Bjarni Sveinson. Rev. Bjarnason came back to Canada in 1884 after receiving a call to the new congregation in Winnipeg, signed by seventeen mem- bers; he delivered his first sermon as minister of the congregation on the 20th of August, 1884, in a hall built by the Progressive Association (Frammfara felag). Then plans for the first Church building began to formulate. The first church was built by volun- tary labor by members of the congregation on the corner of Mc- William and Nena St., now Pacific and Sherbrook, and was de- dicated December 18, 1887. Here the congregation worshipped for seventeen years . . . the property was sold to make way for the Midland Railway. The second church, a brick one, was erected on the corner of Sherbrook and Bannatyne (still standing) and dedicated in June 1904. The congregation was preparing to cele- brate Christmas in the new church, when on Dec. 23rd, a fire broke out in the furnace-room causing great destruction, rendering the building temporarily useless. It was fortunate for us that the first church building had not been demolished for the congregation was permitted to use it while repairs were being made, this helped to sooth somewhat the blow caused by the fire . . . when the con- gregation moved back to their old pews in the old church, and Christmas was celebrated in spite of difficulties.
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