Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 23

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 23
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 21 fulness, news of a new baby, a bird’s song, a sudden shower, flowers in the garden, sight of our loved ones, our own health, our senses, the sunset, a safe journey. These informal thought prayers, scat- tered throughout the day, form a framework for our prayer life — a beginning. But prayer is not easy. It takes time, effort, sacrifice. We need to grow in it. Many people say they do not pray because God does not seem real. The truth is, God does not seem real because we do not pray. Let us consider the steps in learning to pray. FIRST, ask Jesus to help, as the disciples did. “Lord, teach us to pray.” Not how to pray, but to pray. SECOND, respond to every desire to pray. In times of joy, give thanks. In times of anger or fear, ask God’s help. In times of sympathy or pity, say a prayer of intercession. THIRD, set aside a definite time and place for prayer. We set aside certain times for meals. That is important, that we be properly nourished. Is it not also important to feed our spirits? Our souls will be well nourished only if we give prayer a definite place in our daily schedule. If necessary, take the receiver off the hook, ignore the doorbell, go into a room and close the door, but establish one certain time and place for regular prayer. Jesus’ habit of pryaer is theonlypart of His personal life that the writers of the Gospels thought important enough to report in detail. FOURTH, enlarge your idea of God. Adore Him in all the ways we know Him. Praise Him for his goodness to us, for His might and power, for His mercy, for our Redemption. The Gloria in Excelsis, or one of the Psalms, repeated or read, might guide your thoughts. After we have thought of God in these terms, what could be more natural than Thanksgiving? “What am I that God should do such wonderful things for me” our souls cry out in humility. Surely we could not be so bold as to ask for more. So our Peiiiions turn from asking for things we want to things God wants to give us, — for strength and courage, for patience, for guidance. It is not wrong to ask for things if they are in accord with God’s will for us — food, shelter, work. We see ourselves in all our weakness and ask God’s Forgiveness
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