Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 30

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 30
28 ÁRDÍ S Angel Bay By LILJA EYLANDS When my husband and I visited Iceland in 1956 in connection with the Skalholt festivities, we were privileged to tour various parts of the country. One particular day with a special visit stands out clearly in my memory. Two brothers, friends of our hosts in Reykjavík graciously offered to take them and us on a day’s trip in their automobile, and we were to choose the place we would like to see. We were delighted and agreed that we would like to see the church at Angel Bay (Stranda kirkja) where we had not been before. It is situated on the south coast not too distant for a day’s journey back and forth from Reykjavík. This little church has an exceptional background and is at the present time one of the wealthiest churches in Iceland. This is not due to the number of people in the parish, who now number less than 100 souls, but rather to conditional pledges which have been made to it from the time of its inception. ‘Conditional pledges’ means that people pledge money in large or small amounts to the church if they are particularly desirous of having a wish ful- filled. It is common belief, not traditional, but very real, that such a pledge brings the fulfillment of their wishes and desires. Truly, it seems to work just that way. Hundreds of pledges are received annually. The funds thus derived are used, of course, for the maintenance of the church building as a place of worship and as a shrine for an ever-increasing number of visitors. Money from its funds are also loaned to other parishes for the purpose of building new churches or repairing old ones. It was on the morning of a beautiful warm sunny day, July the 31st, that we started out. At noon we partook of a sumptuous meal in a lovely roadhouse owned and operated as a summer dwelling place by the Seventh Day Adventists. In the early after- noon we arrived at our destination, the church at Angel Bay. The sight of it thrilled us, and brought to mind the many stories we had heard about it even from childhood. It stands on a hill sur-
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