Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 33

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 33
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 31 Scandinavian countries, women were sent to Kaiserswerth for training. Demands for deaconesses came from everywhere. Three years later, some deaconesses went with Pastor Fleidner to Jerusa- lem, and soon schools and hospitals in Constantinople, Smyrna and Alexandria were staffed by deaconesses trained at Kaiserswerth. In 1851 Florence Nightingale spent three months as a student at Kaiserswerth. In America, the Rev. William Alfred Passavant, of Pittsburg, Pa., was interested in the social problems in his community, es- pecially among the sick, orphaned and the aging. He visited Germany and met Pastor Fliedner there. He visited several of the institutions of mercy. He gained a new vision, a spark touched his soul which soon burst into flame. He realized that the diaconate should be established in America. He realized that humble service for Christ to the suffering ones could be best carried on through organized charitable ministrations of the church. Before leaving Kaiserswerth, he had Pastor Fliedner promise him four deaconesses to assist with the beginning of a similar Motherhouse in America. This promise was fulfilled on July 14, 1849, when the energetic Pastor Fliedner accompanied four deaconesses to Pittsburg to estab- lish the first Protestant hospital in America. The first deaconess to be consecrated in America was Louise Marthens in the year 1850. There was an increasing interest in the Diaconate, resulting in seven motherhouses being established in eleven years among the various Lutheran bodies. Our United Lutheran Church has two Motherhouses, one at Baltimore, and the other at Philadelphia. A school to provide basic religious, professional and clinical training is connected with each Deaconess House. The Philadelphia training program emphasizes the preparation of women for nursing, institutional, and social work; the Baltimore school for parish work and religious education. Both schools are affiliated with church-related colleges. A six- year plan of preparation for deaconess students following high school graduation includes religious, theoretical and clinical train- ing; the conferring of a bachelor’s degree, and consecration as deaconesses of The United Lutheran Church in America. You may be interested in the duties of the parish deaconesses. She usually supervises the whole program of Christian education and youth activities. She advises in the Sunday School; conducts
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