Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 35

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 35
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 33 they can go anywhere in Canada or the United States, to give one full year of their lives completely to church service. This means professional women and business women who will take a one-year leave-of-absence from their present positions; homemakers now free from all family responsibilities; and college students wanting to explore further before deciding upon their careers. The United Lutheran Church is challenging the girls and women of our church to give just ONE YEAR of their lives to the needs of our institu- tions, social agencies, and parishes. The four deaconesses who came to America with Pastor Flied- ner performed a great task. They began a great work which was to fill a great need within the Christian church. The need is just as great today as when Dr. Passavant stood on the dock waiting for the boat which carried Rev. Fliedner and those four deaconesses. Today the Church needs Christian women, who, because Christ first loved them, are willing to give their lives and be dedicated to the Master’s Service. Christ has not withdrawn His command. What He commanded for the first days of the Church, so it is today. He set the example while on earth and His teachings clearly states that He wants His followers to be Messengers of Peace. His com- mands will remain as long as there is need for ministering hands of the Christian worker. Yes, God is calling women today to His Service, — Women, who are concerned about the spiritual and temporal needs of their fellow-men, — Women who are willing to wholeheartedly serve Christ wherever He leads — Women who are concerned about God’s Will — “Not what I will, but what thou wilt, Lord!” Women who are willing to lose themselves in service for His sake — servants for Jesus’ sake. Will you encourage some young girl in your congregation to be willing to help Christ extends His arms of love around the world? Will you encourage some woman in your congregation to respond to the AIDS program — associates in Diaconate Service?
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