Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 58

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 58
56 ÁRDÍ S President's Address Convention Delegates and Friends: May I, on behalf of the Executive extend to one and all a warm welcome to this Thirty-Fourth Convention of the L.W.L. It is the earnest wish of your Executive that this meeting may prove to be a happy and stimulating one, where friendships are renewed, new friendships made and where all may enjoy Christian fellowship in a harmonious and congenial atmosphere. We invite each and every one of you to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss freely any matter which may come before the meeting. We feel assured that a feeling of mutual understand- ing will prevail at all times. So many of you present have had valuable experience in Christian women’s work and we, comparative novices, feel privileged to meet with you and to learn from you. We also look forward to putting forth our own ideas and to voicing our opinions. Therefore it is our fervent prayer that God may bless this Convention and all those present, and that He will grant that all our deliberations be acceptable in His sight. May the Spirit of Jesus Christ be present with us. First let me say a word of appreciation to our hostesses, the women of Gimli, Arnes and Husavik, who graciously invited us to enjoy their hospitality. Due to circumstances beyond their control it was impossible for them to entertain us in Gimli. They have gone to considerable trouble to bring all the provisions for our comfort here to Sunrise. It does seem fitting that we utilize the excellent accommodations of this our own Camp. I trust you will enjoy your stay here to the utmost and that this Convention may prove a very memorable one. In looking over this past year we are saddened by the passing of so many of our staunch and valued members. We ask God to bless their memory. We trust that we will benefit from their shining examples.
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