Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 62

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 62
60 ÁRDÍ S Program and Activities Man. Temperance Alliance Read by MRS. A. BARDAL Team Work: By Officers, Board, Committees, Staff, Members and Friends. Representative staff — 1 Baptist (minister); 1 Greek Orthodox (teacher); 1 Roman Catholic (teacher); and 2 United Chui'ch (former police officer, and office secretary). School Program: 3 secretaries give full time, September to June . . . visited 393 schools in all parts of province, lectured in 1,000 classrooms, giving 1,179 periods of instruction (plus 245 more periods of film showings) to grand total of 37,654 students . . . literature distributed. Alliance services available to Roman Catholic schools. One of several hundred comments, “Personally I cannot thank you enough for this great service to teachers and to pupils in our schools. I am sure that a second visit this year, if it were possible, would be greatly appreciated by all.” In May, 1957, arranged visit of Executive Director of Allied Youth (Mr. Raymond Lewis) to Winnipeg to introduce his program of alcohol studies and alcohol-free recreation to Manitoba. Church Program: Good year of co-operation with church congregations and groups of which 126 used services of our secretaries. Church Relations Commitiee a great asset in area where re- ligious groups are one in spiritual concern but differ in some attitudes, opinions, and methods . . . representatives from following churches: Anglican, Baptist, Greek Orthodox, Men-
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