Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 63

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 63
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 61 nonite Brethren, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, and United Church . . . Committee is making progress in project that will set forth official statements on temperance and alcohol problems of churches. Alliance promoting interest in auual inter-denominational in- stitute on alcohol problems sponsored by the North Conway Foundation ... 1 delegate went to the 1957 Institute (Theme, “The Church’s Concern for the Alcohol Education of Its Families.”) Good literature department to serve School and Church pro- grams . . . much literature given away free; some sold at cost. An expanding film library; free rentals . . . try to get best releases . . . “Far From Alone” excellent for church groups and youth . . . ::To Your Health,” “None for the Road,” “Profile of a Problem Drinker,” etc., recommended for general use. Community Program: Concern about total situation of school prablems. Areas where Alliance is giving responsible leadership — liquor licensing, advertising, leadership training, legislation, drinking and driving, alcoholism, enforcement, etc. Is Manitoba getting the firm “go slow” policy of liquor licensing which the Bracken Report recommended so strongly? About developments under the new Liquor Act note (a) liquor sales continue to mount, (b) rising incidence of alcoholism has not been checked, (c) drunkeness has not decreased, (d) alcohol- influenced drivers — ‘misguided missiles’ — remain entrenched as the Number One Hazard to traffic safety, and (e) Manitobans are being exposed to a glamorized and pressurized approach to drinking which, in our opinion, has broken faith with the Bracken Report (see pages 428-441). Financial Support: In addition to an annual grant from the provincial government the Alliance has received in donations from individuals, groups, and congregations around $5,200.00 annually during the past 3 years . . . this is not adequate for our expanding program and for the maintenance of the many services now being given in the churches of the province by the Alliance. Users in Manitoba are spending around $50,000,000 annually
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