Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 67

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Side 67
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 65 Children’s Trust Fund—Receipts, $500.50, Interest $10.61, Bank Balance May 15th, 1957, $488.32; total $999.43. Disbursements, $414.33 Bank Balance May 31st, 1958, $585.10. Memorial Fund—Bank Balance May 15th, 1957, $144.26, Bank Interest $4.19, Total $158.45. Sunrise Camp Operational Fund—Receipts, $3,205.95, Bank Bal- ance May 15th, 1957, $781.27, Total, $3,987.22. Disbursements $2,648,- 61, Bank Balance May 31st, 1958, $1,338.61. Total, $3,987.22. The Camp Committee was happy to report a very successful year. It was noted that the financial report would give a true picture of the Camp. The new boy’s hut is now complete and ready for use. Library Report—No new supplies have been bought this year. Two copies of the Icelandic Canadian Magazine were contributed by the Icelandic Canadian Club of Winnipeg. Temperance—Mrs. Margaret Bardal, representative of the Lutheran Women’s League to the Manitoba Temperance Alliance gave a report. A donation of $25.00 was made to the M.T.A. funds. Ardis—Total receipts, $850.16. Disbursements, $793.77. Receipts over expenditures $56.39. Balance carried forward from last year $1,054.39. Balance in bank May 31st, 1958, $1,110.78. Sunday Scliool—Circulars were sent to people in the Interlake localities to try to solicit enrollment of children for Sunday School by Mail. A sum of money was sent to Miss E. Gillstrom towards the support of the Sunday School by Mail. Handicraft—There was no handicraft report. The quilts made by the various aids and donated to the camp were displayed. Election of Officers—Mrs. Ingibjorg Olafsson presided during election of officers. Honorary Life Member___________Mrs. Ingun Marteinsson Honorary Members—Mrs. Ellen Fafnis, Mrs. Stefania Leo, Mrs. Margaret Sigmar, Mrs. Lilja Eylands, Mrs. Stefania Sigurdson, Mrs. Helga Bjarnason, Mrs. Sigrun Thorgrim- son, Mrs. Margaret Josephson, Mrs. Ranveig Guttormson. Ministers wives, Ex-Officio members who have the right of the convention; Mrs. E. H. Sigmar, Mrs. E. Day, Mrs. J. Fullmer, Mrs. J. Larsen, Mrs. N. B. Nelson, Mrs. O. D. Olsen, Mrs. W. Bergman.
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