

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1981, Síða 12

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1981, Síða 12
72 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ social process, (ed. T. J. Scheff), 47-59. Harper and Row, New York 1967. 6. Lader, M. The nature of anciety. Br. J. Psych. 124: 481-491. 1972. 7. Lárus Helgason. Psychiatric services and mental illness in lceland. Acta ps. Scand. suppl. 268. 1977. 8. Linn, M. W., Caffey, E. M., K.lett, C. J., Hogarty, G. E. & Lamb, H. R. Day treatment and psychotropic drugs in the aftercare of psychia- tric patients. Arc. Gen. Psych. 36: 1055-1066. 1979. 9. Michell, W. S. Contingency learning in chronic schizophrenia and its relevance to social moti- vation deficit. Br. J. Med. Psychol. 51: 357-362. 1978. 10. Murphy, H. B. M., Engelsmann, F. & Tcheng- Laroche, F. The i'nfluence of foster-home care on psychiatric patients. Arc. Gen. Psych. 33: 179- 183. 1976. 11. Norris, V. Mental illness in London. London 1959. 12. Redlich, F. & Kellert, S. R. Trends in American mental health. Am. J. Psych. 135: 22-28. 1978. 13. Rosen, B., Klein, D. F., Cittleman-Klein, R. The prediction of rehospitalization: The relationship between age of first psychiatric treatment contact, marital status and premorbid asocial adjustment. The J. Nerv. and Ment. Disease. 152: 17-22. 1971. 14. Scott. R. D. & Alwyn, S. Patient-patient relati- onship and the course and outcome of schizoph- renia. Br. J. Med. Psychol. 51: 343-355. 1978. 15. Tómas Helgason. Epidemiology of mental disor- ders in Iceland. Acta Ps. Scand. Suppl. 173. 1964. 16. Van Praag, H. M. Psychopsychiatry: Can psy- chosocial factors cause psychiatric disorders. Comprehens. psychiatr. 20: 215-225. 1979. 17. Vaughn, C. E. & Leff, J. P. The Influence of family and social factors on the course of psychiatric illness. Brit. J. Psychiat. 129: 125-137. 1976. 18. Watts, F. N. & Benett, D. H. Previous occupatio- nal stability as a predictor of employment after psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychol. Med. 7: 709- 712. 1977. 19. Weeke, A. & Strömgren, E. Fifteen years later. A comparison of patients in Danish psychiatric institutions in 1957, 1962, 1967 and 1972. Acta psych. Scand. 57: 129-144. 1978. 20. Wing, J. K. The Social context of schizophrenia. Am. J. Psych. 135: 1333-1339. 1978. 21. Wing, J. K. & Brown, G. W. Institutionalism and schizophrenia. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1970. 22. Wld. Hlth. Org. The international pilot study of schizophrenia. WHO, Geneva 1973. 23. Wld. Hlth. Org. Schizophrenia: And internatio- nal follow-up study. John Wiley. New York 1979. Slysadeild Borgarspítalans í Reykjavík tók í notkun nýtt húsnædi í desember sl. og verður þar til húsa m.a. endurkomudeild. Bætir petta aukna húsnæði úr brýnni pörf og veitir mjög aukið rými. Pá var einnig opnuð ný heilsugæzlustöð í Borgarspítalanum. Haukur Benediktsson framkvæmdastjóri spítalans er hér í ræðustól og má einnig sjá Svavar Gestsson heilbrigðisráðherra o.fl.



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