

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1981, Side 18

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1981, Side 18
76 LÆKNABLADID farið á leit við lækna að þeir fjölgi slíkum sendingum eftir föngum. Höfundar þakka læknunum Daníel Daníels- syni, Guðmundi Árnasyni og Reyni Þorsteins- syni veitta aðstoð við öflun upplýsinga um sjúkratilfellin tvö. HEIMILDIR 1. Alsaker, T., Digranes, A. Campylobacter en vanlig ársag til akutt enteritt. Tidskr. Nor. Lægeforen nr. 11, 100, 615 — 617 1980. 2. Blaser, M. J., Berkowitz, I. D., La Force, F. M., Cravens, J„ Reller, L. B„ Wang, W. L. L. Campylobacter anteritis: chemical and epidemi- ologic features. Ann. Intern. Med. 91: 179—185, 1979. 3. Blaser, M. J„ Cravens, J„ Powers, B. W„ Wang, W. L. Campylobacter enteritis associated with canine infection Lancet 2: 979 — 981, 1978. 4. Blaser, M. J„ Hardesty, H. L„ Powers, B„ Wang, W. L. Survival of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in Biological Milieus J. Clin. Microbiol 11: 309-313 1980. 5. Butzler, J. P„ Dekeyser, P„ Detrain, M„ Dekaen, F. Related vibrio in stools. J. Pediatr. 82: 493-495 1973. 6. Butzler, J. P„ Skirrow, M. D. Campylobacter enteritis. Clin. Gastroenterol 8: 737 — 765 1979. 7. Center for Disease control: Waterborne Cam- pylobacter gastroenteritis Vermont. Morbidity Mortality Weekly Rep. 27: 207, 1978. 8. De Mol, P„ Brasseur, D. Diarrhoeal Disease and Campylobacter in Zair. Abstracts Scottish- Scandinavian Conference on Infectious Disea- ses September 1 —5 1980. 9. Grant, I. H„ Richardson, N. J„ Bokkenhauser, V. D„ Broiler chickens as potential source of campylobacter infections in humans. J. Clin. Microbiol. 11:508-510 1980. 10. King, E. O. Human infections with Vibrio fetus and closely related vibrio. J. Infect. Dis. 101: 119 — 128 1957. 11. Knill, M„ Suckling, W. G„ Pearson, A. D. Environmental Isolation of Heat-tolerant Cam- pylobacter in the Southampton area Lancet ii, 1002-1003. 12. Marver, S. L„ Smith, B. A. M. Campylobacter infection of premature baby Lancet I: 1041 1979. 13. Pálsson, P. A„ yfirdýralæknir. Munnlegar upplýs- ingar. 14. Sigurðsson, G„ Magnússon, G„ Sigvaldason, H„ Tulinius, H„ Einarsson, 1„ Ólafsson, Ó. Egilstaðir- Project Nomesko, Stockholm 1980. 15. Skirrow, M. B. Campylobacter enteritis: A new disease. Br. Med. J. 2: 9— 11 1977. 16. Smibert, R. M. Campylobacter. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 8. útg. (ed. R. E. Buchanan og N. E. Gibbous) 207 — 210 Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1974. Sigrún Sveinsson Mis, búsett í Júgóslavíu, sendi Læknablaðinu upplýsingar um ráðstefnu par í landi og í bréfi sínu lét hún þess getið að ánægjulegt væri ef einhver kæmist frá íslandi. Intemational symposium on the intensive care of children In conjunction with the International College of Pediatrics and the Yugoslav Pediatric Association, the Pediatric Surgical Depart- ment of the University Medical Centre, Ljubl- jana, Yugoslavia, extends a warm invitation to participants to the Symposium. Time and place The Symposium will be held in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, Yugoslavia, from Wednes- day, September 23rd to Friday, September 25th 1981. The Symposium will take place in the new Festival Hall, »lvan Cankar«. Conference facilities and accommodation will all be within a short walking distance from the Festival Hall. Preliminary Scientific Program The scientific content of the Symposium is being planned with the intention of reflecting the current state of some rapidly developing fields in pediatric intensive care. The scientific program will be based on lectures given by registered contributors. Posters and any topic of pediatric intensive care will also be accepted.



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