

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1981, Side 23

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1981, Side 23
Outstanding career opportunities for HOSPITAL CONSUUANTS SACJDIARABIA We can offer you an excellent opportunity to expand your career within one of our new multi-national hospitals in Saudi Arabia. These opportunities exist in the new A1 Hada hospital in Taif, situated 6,000 feet above sea level and enjoys a pleasant European climate, or in the recently commissioned 100 bed King Abdul Aziz air base hospital in Dhahran, a modern cosmopolitan city on the Gulf of Arabia, with its interesting blend of Arabian and Western cultures. Whichever you choose, you wiil gain a depth of experience unlikely to be achieved at home. We need Hospital Consultants who have graduated from a Western Medical School, are fluent in written and verbal English and have at leastthree years’ post registration experience in one of the following areas: ★Anaesthetics *Obstetrics/Gynaecology ★ Ophthalmology *EiNT ★Paediatrics *General Surgery *Physician The two year family status contracts are based on an excellent tax free remuneration and benefits package. The package also includes: ★ Return airfare to your point of hire foryou and your family for 30 days’ annual holiday. *Ten days’ educational or seminar/conference leave each year including return air fare. *Local leave of 10 days atfour and eight months. *Ten days’ leave in lieu of Saudi national holidays. *Free housing. * Family education allowance. *Completion of contract bonus. Accommodation for hospital staff and their families is mostly provided within the hospital complex and there are recreational facilities which include both swimming pools and tennis courts. Please complete the coupon for further details and send to: Eva Alford, Ref. L/l, NME International (Cayman) Ltd., 3 Albemarle Street, London Wl. England. Name------------------------------------------------ Address_ Speciality. ^7 n.m.e. ipTennnTiopRk (cpppp) we.



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