

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1982, Side 29

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1982, Side 29
LÆKNABLADID 241 hefur veriö skrifað um þetta efni (4, 5, 6), en litlar heimildir eru um samanburð á aukaverk- unum Metrizamid annars vegar og skugga- gjafa með deyfandi lyfi hins vegar. í>að liggur ekki ljóst fyrir, hvort hinn mikli verðmunur þessara tveggja aðferða skili sér að fullu í minni tíðni aukaverkana hjá Metrizamid. (15). Af hagkvæmnisástæðum hafa Angiografin og Lidocain nokkra kosti fram yfir Metriza- mid. Hvorttveggja eru upplausnir tilbúnar til notkunar, en Metrizamid fæst ennþá eingöngu sem þurrfrosið duft í hettuglösum. Til þess að ná tilætluðu magni og styrkleika verður að leysa innihaldið úr 4 hettuglösum upp í ákveðnu magni af saltvatni og tekur það sinn tíma. Síðan þarf að draga hverja tilbúna upplausn fyrir sig upp í þrýstisprautuna. Innspýting á Angiografin með Lidocain 2 % býður upp á hagkvæma, áreiðanlega, örugga, ódýra og fyrir sjúklingana óþægindalitla rann- sókn á útlimaæðum. Greinarhöfundur þakkar starfsfólkinu á Lab 1, Röntgen- deild Landspítalans fyrir auðsýndan áhuga og aðstoð við framkvæmd könnunarinnar. SUMMARY In a crossover study of 28 patients referred for peripheral arteriography of the lower extremities the side effects of Metrizamid and a conventional contrast medium Angiografin with Lidocain was compared. Of 12 patients who were administered Angiografin with Lidocain 1 %, 2 patients complain- ed of severe heat and two made involuntary movements of pain whereas no patient was visibly distressed after the administration of Metrizamid. Statistically a difference in favour of Metrizamid (P: 0.047). In a second group of 16 patients who received Lidocain 2 % with the Angiografin, only one patient showed obvious signs of pain but none of those who got Metrizamid (P: 0.5). Only 3 patients in both groups experienced severe side-effects after the administration of Angi- ografin with Lidocain. All three patients had occlusi- on of at least one main artery and extensive collateral circulation. Taking into consideration the much higher price of Metrizamid, the Angiografin-Lidocain 2 % com- bination is to be preferred. HEIMILDIR 1. Pond, Gerald D., Osborne, Robert W., Capp, Paul M. et al.: Digital Substraction Angiography of Peripheral Vascular Bypass procedures. Am. ]. Roentgenol. 1982, 138, 279-281. 2. Hilal, S.K.. Hemodynamic changes associated with the intraarterial injection of contrast me- dia. New toxicity tests and a new experimental contrast medium. Radiology. 1966, 86, 615-633. 3. Metrizamide-Amipaque. The non-ionic water- soluble contrast medium. Further clinical expe- rience in Neuroradiology. Edited by Erik Lind- gren. Acta Radiologica. 1977. Supplementum 355. 4. Almen, T., Bojsen, E., Lindell, S. E.: Metrizamide in Angiography. Femoral Angiography. Acta Radiol. (Diag). 1977, 18:33-38. 5) Amipaque Vascular. Proceedings of a Symposi- um, Amsterdam. Diagnostic Imaging. 1979. 48: 181-256. 6. Idbohrn, H. Movin, Anders. Klinisk prövning av Metrizamid vid Femoralis arteriografi. Lakar- tidningen. 1980. 77: 2807-2808. 7. Grainger, R. G. A clinical trial of a new low osmolality contrast medium-Hexabrix. British Journal of Radiology. 1979. 52: 781-786. 8. Grainger, R.G. Intravascular contrast media, the past, the present and the future. Mackenzie Davidson Memorial Lecture April 1981. British Journal of Radiology. 1982. 55: 1-18. 9. Molyneux, A. J., Sheldon, W.E. A. randomized blind trial of lopamidol and Meglumine Calcium Metrizoate (Triosil 280, Isopaque Cerebral) in cerebral angiography. British Journal of Radio- logy. 1982. 55:117-119. 10. Siefert, H.M. et al. Iotasul, a water-soluble contrast agent for direct and indirect lympho- graphy. Lymphology. 1980. 13: 150-157. 11. Fletcher, E.W.L. A comparison of Iopamidol and Diatrizoate in peripheral angiography, British Journal of Radiology 1982. 55: 36-38. 12. Riba, P.O., Notkun á Lidocain í slagæð við skoðun á útlimaæðum með skuggagjafa. Læ- knablaðið. 1979.3: 133-136. 13. Gordon, L. J., Westscott, J.L.: lntraarterial Lido- cain: An effective analgesic for peripheral Angiography. Radiology. 1977. 124:43-45. 14. Schmidt, K.R., Pfeifer, K.J. Effektivitat von intraarteriellem Lidocain in der Schmerzbe- kampfung bei Arm-und Bein arteriographien. Munch. med Wschr. 122. 1980. 34: 1159-1162. 15. Schmidt, K.R., Pfeifer, K.J., Hubert, R., Welter, H. Schmerzreduktion bei peripheren Arterio- graphien der oberen und unteren Extremitát in Doppelblindversuch. Lidocain/Ioglicinat gegen Metrizamid. Röntgen-BI. 1980. 33: 571-576 16. Foldes, F.F., Molloy, RE., Mc Nall, PG. et al. Comparison of Toxicity of intravenously given local anesthetic agents in man. JAMA. 1960. 172: 1493-1448. 17. Chuang, V.P., Widrich, W.C. Complications from intraarterial Lidocaine in Upper Extremity Ar- teriography. Am. J. Roentgenol. 1978. 131: 906. 18. Widrich, W.C., Singer, R.J., Robbins, A.H. The use of intra-arterial Lidocaine to control pain due to Aortofemoral Arteriography. Radiology. 1977. 124:37-41.



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