
Akureyri - 05.06.2014, Side 22

Akureyri - 05.06.2014, Side 22
22 21. tölublað 4. árgangur 5. júní 2014 Íþrótta- og leikjaskóli Samfélags- og mannréttindadeildar og KA fyrir 6-12 ára börn sumarið 2014. Íþrótta- og leikjaskóli KA verður haldin í sumar og verður frá 07:45-12:15 alla virka daga. Hvert námskeið er 2 vikur og er verð fyrir hvert námskeið aðeins 4.000 kr. Skráningarblöð má nálgast á heimasíðu félagsins www.ka-sport.is auk þess sem upplýsingar eru veittar í síma 462 3482 Tímabil 1 10.06-20.06 Tímabil 2 23.06-04.07 Tímabil 3 07.07-18.07 Tímabil 4 21.07-01.08 Common Sense We are surrounded by them. If you are lucky enough to get an appointment at a doct- or’s surgery you can spend a happy hour or two reading the instructions posted around the walls. Just about any net site you log into these days gives you several exciting days of Terms and Conditions to read before you tick the box. Exciting stuff. We of course all read them care- fully from cover to cover to make sure that somewhere hidden in the pr- inter’s pie are not subliminal contracts signing away your human rights for gener- ations to come. I was once a member of a committee setting up a national curriculum for music schools. We had an idea that it would be nice to allow students to sing a song in their exams that they had perhaps picked up off the radio and learned by heart. So a little clause was put in the exam regulations. Many decades later one of my students, an extrem- ely talented singer, had the au- dacity to turn up at his exam with a copy of the music to a song he was supposed to have learned by heart! It took three hard months of careful deli- beration to finally convince the committee to allow him to pass his preliminary grade because of the sin he had committed. As it happens he was totally unable to read music at this time. But the “rules” I had innocently in- troduced to make life easier for young students had become a creed inscribed in marble! This is how religions are born. What a humble scribe chiselled away in Old Testament times about simple hygiene has become the dogma of millions. Bibles, Korans and Talmuds are full of laws that make no sense to us today, and have little or no value. Yet there are still those who believe that they should rule our lives. I choose not to. All my three daughters have been diso- bedient at one time or another but I have stubborn- ly refused to have them publicly sto- ned by the elders. For that sin I may have to answer on judgement day, but my common sense told me to spare them. I recently questioned the rules regarding my pension fund. I was told that I would have to stop working completely in order to be able to start tak- ing my pension. I started ask- ing round and discovered that other pension funds “interpret- ed” the rules in a different way, allowing their clients to carry on working part-time. Expecting the worst, I was very pleasant- ly surprised when I was told that I would be allowed to work part-time, because anything else WOULDN’T MAKE SENSE. Yes common sense prevailed. Tony Blair and George Bush abandoned common sense when they told us that God had told them to invade Iraq. Politici- ans are telling us that Mosques should not be built in Reykja- vík. Let them build one, but please use it to preach, among other things, Common Sense, not just doctrine. MICHAEL CLARKE GLEÐI OG SKELF- ING EN UMFRAM ALLT SUMAR. Það var stuð þegar krakkarn- ir í Fjallaskóla á Tröllaskaga útbjuggu sér vatnsrennibraut í vikunni. Gísli Kristinsson



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