
Akureyri - 09.10.2014, Page 22

Akureyri - 09.10.2014, Page 22
22 37. tölublað 4. árgangur 9. október 2014 THE ENGLISH CORNER WITH MICHAEL CLARKE Does Anyone Care? Doctors, surgeons and music teachers are now either on strike or about to be. Who cares? Certa- inly not the National Television Service who did a riveting report about a new dog cemetery in Akureyri but chose to avoid the less important news that the music teachers throughout the country had just voted to lay down their instruments. It is always said that the first casualty of war is the truth. With this govern- ment the war started by gaining power with lies and then is being waged by avoiding telling the truth, The media, particularly the public ones, are totally in the hands of the ruling parties, and make a good job of editing out what the public don’t need to know. So who are the enemies? -Like with any other dictatorship, the public. And why should they care? Why bother to even tell them anything? The fact that doctors are on strike could be slightly uncom- fortable. That is if you are ill. If you are lucky enough to be at death’s door however, there will be a skeleton force on call. However, music teachers are almost comp- letely superfluous anyway, and apart from the huge savings of not needing to pay their wages, there will be a lot of people reli- eved to not have to drive the kids to all those boring les- sons and band rehe- arsals, apart from the peace from all those horrible scales and exercises that have been driving us all mad and making it impossible to hear the evening news. Wage agreements have been made with secondary school teachers. Just as well, as for the general public having to have the little brats hanging around at home is a real pest. But music teachers and doct- ors? Back in Iceland’s golden past there weren’t any and we got on alright. There were travelling healers who went from farm to farm, chopping bits off and getting a hot meal in return. And if people wanted to waste their time with trivialities like “song and dances” there were plenty of country dance booze ups where you could have a good sing song. So why should we care? If they can’t accept the generous offer of a 2 % pay rise that they have been offered they can just bugger off that’s what I say. Who needs them anyway? And we can just carry on as we did in the past. We survived after all. Just. Michael Clarke Doctors, surgeons and music teachers are now either on strike or about to be. Who cares? Certainly not the National Television Service who did a riveting report about a new dog cemetery in Akureyri ... Varahlutir á lager vélar varahlutir þjónusta 577 1444 • 456 5711 • 894 0346 frystikerfi@frystikerfi.is • www.frystikerfi.is



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