Iðnaðarmál - 01.06.1968, Blaðsíða 4

Iðnaðarmál - 01.06.1968, Blaðsíða 4
Management Corner: Management by Computer pp. 93—100 By Peter Drucker An article translated from "Manage- ment Today", January 1967, where Mr. Drucker emphasizes the various tasks a computer can perform, especially for the manager. When programmed correctly for certain operations, it can actually take over the management in that special field. He also points out the limits of EDP regarding forecasts based on assump- tions and uncertain data. Is This the Route to Low-Cost Housing? pp. 101—102 A report on a revolutionary con- struction method, which continuously extrudes buildings sections of filled epoxy foam on-site. From "Modern Plastics", September 1968. Danish Trade Fairs in 1969 pp. 102—103 Fish Culture in Heated Sea Water p. 103 A short news report on the experi- ments of the British White Fish Authority at Hunterston in Scotland. Manual Guide on Tile Work Construction pp. 104—107 An Icelandic manufacturer of build- ing bricks made from volcanic ash, Jon Loftsson hf., published in the sum- mer 1968 a manual guide, etited by architect Jon Kristinsson. This article is an introductory report of this manual with some excerpts cmd tables from it regarding the properties of this building material as compared with other conventional building materials. Foreman Training Courses 1967—'68 pp. 108—109 The annual report by the chief instructor of The Foreman Training Courses carried out under the aus- pices of IMSI. There were 64 partici- pants this season adding up to total of 353 for the six years these courses have- been held. Icelandic Management Association pp. 110—111 Annual Report for 1967—'68 The Icelandic Management As- sociation arranged a variety of courses this season such as on CPM- planning, EDP, Cost Control, Marke- ting and Salesmanship, Company Management, Structure of Enterprises, Cost and Profit etc. The membership is 70 companies and institutions cmd approxemately 350 private persons. How Blood and Sweat Can Affect a Manufacturing Company pp. 112—14 This is the third of series of articles by Mr. Ofstad under the heading "People and Their Work Environ- ment" after a study visit to Sweden in March 1967. The present article deals with the problems of diseases from heavy work causing absence from work and frequent change of jobs. The causes are diagnosed and preventive cmd corrective measures proposed to solve this problem. Information Service of IMSI p. 115 The Information Service of IMSI was kept very active in the first operating years of the institute 1956— '61. Due to lack of personnel its activities were reduced considerably in the years after 1961, but now it is cmnounced that this service has been reactivated, Useful Novelties pp. 117—118 British Insulating Class from Pilkington. Electrically Heated Roof Gutter. Building Elements of Urethan. Tool Balcmcers. The Calf Path pp. 119—120 Humorous series in pictures cmd verse showing how old habits mould our way of life. Summary by Stofón Bjamason



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