Reykjavík Grapevine - 17.07.2015, Blaðsíða 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - 17.07.2015, Blaðsíða 38
38 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 10 — 2015TRAVEL How to get there: Fly to Egilsstaðir, find a car and explore Eastfjords One place to experience such remote- ness is the Eastfjords. We start our east- ern Iceland road trip after a one-hour plane hop from Reykjavík to the town of Egilsstaðir, which acts as a local trans- port hub. Heading south on the Route One ring road, we’re soon whizzing away from the airport through the verdant farmland that lies along the banks of the Lagarfljót river, set against a foggy back- drop of waterfall-strewn, snow-capped mountains. Just 45 km south of Egilsstaðir is Öxi, a scenic pass that cuts over the moun- tains into Berufjörður. In the winter, this 20 km dirt track is often impassable under heavy snow, but during the sum- mer months it’s a spectacular drive. As the road winds upwards, the character of the eastern mountains comes into sharper view—compared to the flat- topped plateaus of the west, the old east seems to be slumping seawards under its own weight. As Öxi descends into Berufjörður, the horizontal lines in the sedimentary rock turn into breathtak- ing diagonals as the mountains collapse slowly into the ocean. Home away from home Our destination for the night is Berunes, a family-run former farm on 100 hect- ares of coastal land that became a dedi- cated hostelry in 2008. Berunes often hits its sixty-guest maximum during the summer, housing visitors in several buildings, including the well preserved early-1900s “old house,” a recently com- pleted barn conversion, and some small private cabins. Þórir Ólafsson grew up on Berunes when it was a working farm. It’s still run by his parents, now in their 70s— in fact, his mother’s side of the family have lived there since the 1800s. “We are told Berunes was the first Icelandic farm to become a hostel, in 1973,” he says, between checking in new arriv- als and helping guests with their travel plans. “The story my father Ólafur told me is that they were talking about build- ing a new house for the family, and also thinking about preserving the old house, which is in great condition for its age. Around that time, a senator dropped by, and said: ‘In a few years, we’ll have a complete ring road around Iceland, so you’ll be getting backpackers in this area. Maybe you could use the old Words and Photos John Rogers Without fail, a drive across Iceland delivers a sharp shift in perspective from life in more populous places. In fact, one of the oft remarked-upon characteristics of a road trip through the Icelandic countryside is just how small it makes the visitor feel. Small, sparse roads weave through endless sweeping valleys, huge mountain ranges, mossy lava plains, lush fields, snowy wasteland and barren des- ert, changing regularly and without ceremony. Farms and houses are tiny specks of colour in vast tracts of virtually untouched nature. Far from the intensity of urban life, Ice- land’s wilderness reaches a sensory crescendo that can be overwhelming. Go East! Off the beaten track, the Eastfjords are home to wild landscapes and wilder imaginations ÞÓRSHÖFN VOPNAFJÖRÐUR GRÍMSEY ÍSAFJÖRÐUR AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR REYKJAVÍK
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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