Reykjavík Grapevine - 17.07.2015, Blaðsíða 64

Reykjavík Grapevine - 17.07.2015, Blaðsíða 64
Sunday - Wednesday: 11.30 - 18.00 / Thursday- Saturday: 11.30 - 23.30 Grandagarður 2 - 101 Reykjavík - tel: +354 571 8877 - We take the goo d old tradition al recipes and the best icelandic ingredients to create fun and tasty food. Let tradition s urprise you! Moooh..! Baaah..! ...! FOOD FOR THE SOUL The Old Fashioned was indeed rather old by the time Don and his fictional cohorts took Manhattan—it goes back at least 134 years—although it hasn’t been much in fashion recently. However, the drink has enjoyed a resurgence since ‘Mad Men’ became a hit, even making it to the shores of Iceland. For this I am grateful, as my at- tempts to order an Old Fashioned before were usually met with bartenders tell- ing me they couldn't, wouldn't, or didn't know how to make the drink. Since finding an establishment that serves Old Fashioneds has become much easier of late, my quest has shifted to determining which place in Reykjavík makes the very best one. To accomplish this, I picked four joints that I knew for a fact made the drink and carefully re- viewed each one, which are presented in the order in which they were visited. Read on to find out where to go for Reyk- javík’s Best Old Fashioned! Hverfisgata 12 This unique pizza restaurant has earned its great reputation through word of mouth, offering inventive toppings and a really cosy atmosphere. The place has a great bar section, and on several occa- sions I’ve been blown away with their sweet gin-based cocktails. As they have the Old Fashioned on their list, I figured it’d be a good place to start. The dim light and jazzy music cre- ated the perfect atmosphere to enjoy the dark orange-coloured beverage. The bartender seemed to have squeezed the orange peel perfectly, because the citrusy smell was absolutely spot on, but unfor- tunately the taste was subdued. They used the right whiskey, Bulleit Bourbon, but something must have gone amiss with the measurements, as the alcohol taste was not front and centre as it should be in a proper Old Fashioned. The drink went down smooth, and the aftertaste was good, but it didn’t quite deliver what I was hoping for. Slippbarinn Mýrargata 2 This is one of Reykjavík’s go-to places for cocktails. They have a good selection of custom concoctions, and the bartenders are always happy to make you the clas- sics. The bottle-jockey on duty whipped up my Old Fashioned with panache, pro- curing the same Bulleit Bourbon as Hver- fisgata used, but using a much more visu- ally attractive glass and ice cube. Like at Hverfisgata 12, the measurements must also have been a little off, because this Old Fashioned was much more alcoholic than the last one. I took a moment to let the cube melt to take the sting from the whiskey, only to detect another hitherto unknown taste: syrup! Replacing sugar cubes with syrup makes economic sense, as it significantly reduces the time it takes to make the drink (and is generally an ac- cepted way to make it), but as the bever- age became more drinkable, I couldn’t help but be put off by the sugar coating that formed on my tongue. Apótek Austurstræti 16 This new restaurant has a lot of good things going for it. Good seats, chic setup, and a great selection of cocktails that they like to refer to as “painkillers,” “stimulants,” “tranquillizers,” and “pla- cebos” (because the building used to be There’s no doubt that ‘Mad Men’—television auteur Matthew Weiner’s conflicted trib- ute to an America that was—left a great big legacy behind as the series came to a close this spring. Aside from inspiring countless water cooler conversation about racism, sexism and consumerism, protagonist Don Draper single-handedly brought the Old Fashioned cocktail back to prominence. In between chasing tail and navigating the contentious sociopolitical landscape of the 1960s, the ad man would lounge around, meandering from one genius idea to another, his signature cocktail in hand. Photos Art Bicnick Words Gabríel Benjamin Searching For Reykjavík’s Best Old Fashioned 20 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2015
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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