Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1990, Side 120
Verslunarskýrslur 1989
Tafla IV (frh.). Magn og verðmæti útfluttrar vöm
Kanada Canada Nígería Nigería Japan Japan Taívan Taiwan Ástralía Australia
Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð
Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value
85,0 63.998 3.016,8 347.853 41.461,6 4.311.234 8.249,6 1.139.798 491,5 100.643
010 0,3 271 - - _ _ - - - -
030 0,3 233 . - - _ _ - - 95,2 20.636
060 _ _ - - - - - - 116,3 27.429
080 0,8 648 302,1 63.637 _ _ - - 30,0 15.561
090 _ _ 2.714,7 284.216 - - - - - -
100 _ _ - - 36,1 2.408 - - - -
110 120 130 - - - - 6,7 1.060 - - - -
_ _ _ _ 5.757,7 254.020 62,5 1.942 14,9 705
140 150 155 - - - - 4.503,6 185.253 - - - -
_ _ _ _ 8.046,5 835.019 _ _ _ _
160 165 - - - - 15.287,8 1.419.023 7.991,6 1.085.041 - -
170 175 180 185 - - - - 24,0 4.816 - - - -
190 195 200 - - - - 177,4 15.309 - - - -
205 210 215 220 225 230 240 - - - - 271,2 42.278 - - 3,6 529
- - - - 58,2 9.664 - - 200,5 34.865
- - - - 3.065,8 1.083.917 - - - -
250 42,9 60.335 - - - _ - - - -
260 - _ - - - _ 114,2 48.170 - -
270 _ - - - 3.364,4 321.949 10,8 1.221 - -
275 - - - - 397,4 101.327 - - - -
280 285 290 1,1 147 - - - - - - - -
_ _ _ _ 0,3 112 _ _ _ _
300 310 330 - - - - 93,6 20.096 - - - -
39,5 2.205 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
350 355 360 370 380 390 — - — — — - 70,7 3.424 31,1 917
- - - • - 360,0 12.719 - - - -
395 399 0,1 160 - - 10,9 2.265 - - - -
19,8 9.709 - - 399,3 145.845 0,1 3.830 - -
510 520 530 540 550 0,0 9 - - 18,4 497 - - - -
560 570 580 590 600 19,2 9.155 - - - - - - - -
620 _ _ - - 305,7 91.979 - - - _
650 0,0 219 - - 1,2 40.651 0,1 3.830 - -
690 0,5 326 - - 74,1 12.717 - - - -
328,6 151.843 - - 23.574,2 1.209.414 83,2 5.800 39,7 19.028
800 10,2 3.618 - - 53,2 30.488 2,8 1.398 11,7 2.458
810 815 - - - - 252,0 8.052 80,0 2.344 - -
820 825 98,1 16.066 - - - — - - 21,5 6.159
830 835 1,5 2.782 - - - - - - - -
840 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -
Verslunarskýrslur 1989
eftir löndum og vömflokkum (Hagstofuflokkun) árið 1989
N-Sjáland New Zealand Önnur lönd other countr. Alls total
Tonn Tons Fob-verð Fob-value Tonn Tons Fob-verð Fob-value Tonn Tons Fob-verð Fob-value
- - 6.858,8 448.820 649.300,1 56.811.828 Marine products
- - 975,9 139.529 2.411,5 458.601 Dried salted fish .. 010
- - 6,5 637 46.991,8 7.897.024 Uncured salted fish .. 030
- - - - 6.572,8 1.341.563 Salted fish fillets, bits etc . 060
- - 76,7 19.586 1.836,4 945.311 Stockfish . 080
~ - - 2.894,7 307.095 Dried fish heads . 090
- - - - 5.849,9 1.154.845 Fish fillets, fresh, chilled or on ice 100
- - 0,8 228 112.917,8 7.753.634 Whole fish, fresh, chilled or on ice 110
- - - - 57.994,9 289.510 Fish for reduction 120
44,1 1.928 14.014,8 599.299 Frozen herring, whole or in fillets 130
- ~ - - 4.503,6 185.253 Frozen capelin, whole or in fillets 140
- - - - 2.222,6 174.978 Whole-frozen cod 150
- - 2.982,8 156.568 13.536,7 1.188.292 Whole-frozen red fish 155
- - - - 29.010,4 2.927.060 Whole-frozen flat fish 160
- - - - 706,3 57.911 Other whole-frozen fish 165
- - - - 17.186,5 2.870.573 Block-frozen cod fillets 170
- 20,9 4.294 35.999,5 7.294.424 Other frozen cod fillets 175
- - - - 2.320,9 444.435 Block-frozen haddock fillets 180
- - - - 6.224,5 1.626.219 Other frozen haddock fillets 185
- - - - 14.524,5 1.467.602 Block-frozen saithe fillets 190
- - - - 7.076,3 770.669 Other frozen saithe fillets 195
- - 24,0 1.361 2.400,6 295.438 Block-frozen red fish fillets . 200
- - 6,6 393 10.680,4 1.519.075 Other frozen red fish fillets . 205
- - - - 2.612,5 335.784 Block-frozen flat fish fillets . 210
- - - 6.290,2 1.078.843 Other frozen flat físh fillets . 215
- - - - 513,7 74.208 Other block-frozen fish fillets . 220
- - - - 3.009,1 548.291 Other frozen fish fillets . 225
- - - - 1.355,2 78.105 Minced or strained fish, frozen . 230
- - 21,4 3.467 10.489,8 4.332.731 Frozen shrimp . 240
- - - - 589,4 566.228 Frozen lobster 250
- - 0,1 68 1.359,0 538.856 Frozen scallop . 260
~ - - - 3.375,2 323.171 Frozen capelin roe 270
- - - - 662,2 156.646 Other frozen fish roe 275
- - 226,7 39.258 1.004,8 193.826 Cod liver oil for human consumption 280
- - - - 262,7 29.944 Cod liver oil for animal feeds 285
- - - - 531,0 153.974 Salted lumpfish roe 290
- - - - 2.216,8 403.035 Other sugar-salted roe 300
- - - - 555,3 55.804 Other salted roe 310
- - - 20.482,2 1.246.411 Salted herring 330
- - 231,9 9.002 53.695,9 775.279 Capelin oil 350
- - ~ - - - Whale oil 355
- - - - - - Whale meal 360
- - 240,5 7.122 12.929,0 329.826 Codfish meal 370
- - 2.000,0 65.379 117.987,3 3.603.090 Capelin meal 380
- - - - - - Frozen whale meat 390
- - - - - - Other frozen whale products 395
- - - - 11.501,2 418.966 Other marine products 399
- - 349,4 43.984 7.125,1 1.367.856 Agricultural products
- - 349,1 39.037 1.937,1 289.550 Mutton and lamb, frozen 510
- - - - 0,1 7 Milk and skim milk powder 520
- - - - 58,9 5.752 Casein 530
- - - - 352,7 25.674 Cheese 540
- - - - 1.457,0 121.623 Wool 550
- - - - 11,3 627 Salted sheepskins 560
- - - - 390,6 47.319 Salted cattle and horse hides 570
- - - - 37,8 81.347 Dried foxskins 580
- - - 25,2 140.221 Dried minkskins 590
- - - - 345,8 98.872 Live horses 600
- - 0,2 4.868 1.247,1 363.723 Salmon and trout, chilled or frozen 620
- - - - 3,3 111.834 Eiderdown 650
- - 0,1 79 1.258,3 81.308 Other agricultural products 690
3,1 3.349 1.683,3 77.172 206.382,2 19.708.752 Manufacturing products
- - 12,0 6.420 3.559,8 1.493.806 Fish products in airtight containers 800
- - - - 3.588,8 92.762 Seaweed meal 810
- - 1.457,7 17.738 23.553,4 393.559 Diatomite 815
- - - - 6,8 2.706 Pigment, paint, vamishes etc 820
1,7 619 37,3 4.353 574,3 121.163 Fish tubs, trawl-floating balls and netrings 825
- - - - 469,7 796.845 Tanned or dressed skins 830
- - - - 0,0 66 Clothing and articles of furskin 835
- - 19,1 1.967 843,2 79.662 Packing containers of paperboard 840