Hagskýrslur um landbúnað


Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Síða 32

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Síða 32
2 Búuaðarsliýrslur 1947—48 Tafla I. Tala búpenings í árslok 1947, eftir landshlutum. Number of livcstock at the cnd of 1947 bij geographic divisions. T3 e es ^ iS u ö T3 C a •a c T3 C s u 'ð o X | ■8 E g u 3 ~ "u a ’u g-S ? Hross horses tn tö > ~ e. Y. < < y C/3 < U Hestar 15 vetra oj; eldri horses l'f ijears of age and ovcr 1 381 494 2 022 412 1 023 5 332 Hestar 4—15 vetra horses 3—l’f years of aye 3 783 1 121 6 639 1 348 4 764 17 655 Hryssur 15 vetra og eldri marcs 14 years of age and over 513 135 1 064 229 279 2 220 Hryssur 4—15 vetra marcs 3—lí years of age 2 176 467 5 794 812 2 770 12 019 Tryppi 3 vetra young horscs 2 years of age 456 61 1 378 115 542 2 552 Tryppi 2 vetra young horses 1 year of age 464 38 1 697 93 621 2 913 Folöld colts and fillies under 1 year of age 410 31 2 504 59 411 3 415 Samtals total 9 183 2 347 21 098 3 068 10 410 46 106 Nautgripir cattle Kýr og kclfdar kvígur cows and heifers in calf 6 800 2 066 9 376 2 332 8 262 28 836 Griðungar og geldnevti cldri en veturgömul bulls and dry cattle 2 years of age and over 186 27 105 67 166 551 Veturgamall nautpeningur young stock 1 year of age and nndcr 2 years 1 599 437 2 579 638 1 644 6 897 Kálfar calfs under 1 year of age . 1 423 352 1 831 713 1 030 5 349 Samtals total 10 008 2 882 13 891 3 750 11 102 41 633 Sauðfc sheep Ær ewes 60 806 39 168 97 457 92 970 72 884 353 285 Hrútar rams 1 187 922 2 253 1 680 1 566 7 608 Sauðir whethers 143 172 272 758 2 172 3517 Gemlingar lambs under 1 year of uge 17 264 11 881 27 593 21 767 11 340 89 845 Samtals total 69 400 52 143 127 575 117175 87 962 454 255
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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