Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Qupperneq 36

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Qupperneq 36
6 Búnaðarskýrslur 1947—48 Tafla III. Tala búpenings í árslok 1947, eftir hreppum. Numbcr of livestock ot the end of 1947 bij parishes. Búpeningur livestock Framteljendur possessors of Hreppar og kaupstaðir parishes ancl towns Hross horses Nnutgripir cattlc Sauðfé shcep Geitfé goats C <c •r cs cn '5, Alifuglnr poultry Loðdýr fur-bearing animals Hrossn horscs Nnutgripn cattle SnuðQnr sheep Alifugln poultry Reykjavík 186 583 1 054 » 36 25 130 37 70 49 30 190 Hnfnarfjörður 45 60 376 » )) 5 016 » 24 13 27 19 Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla Grindavíkur Hafna 49 3 78 23 1 836 227 )) )) )) 3 104 63 )) 6 29 2 41 14 48 11 11 5 Miðnes Gerða Keflavíkur 71 30 5 206 107 15 541 53 155 )) )) )) » 8 12 750 402 530 6 » » 30 18 1 36 32 1 27 5 1 23 10 1 Njarðvikur 5 36 189 » 2 360 » 4 16 7 4 Vatnsleysustrandar 88 177 1 309 » )) 1 054 » 31 33 20 33 Garða 36 236 539 » 8 2 041 181 18 28 21 26 Bessastaða 26 188 33 í )) 2 915 » 15 21 4 20 Kópavogs 40 92 232 )) 20 2 550 33 13 16 8 12 Seltjarnarnes Mosfells Kjalarnes 25 188 179 107 369 427 83 1 213 1 049 » )) )) 4 3 » 2 175 5 679 2 000 )) » » 7 38 46 10 33 47 3 32 42 15 34 31 Kjósar 209 492 1 613 )) » 2 310 » 33 35 29 19 Saintals 954 2 553 9 072 i 60 22 933 226 285 362 258 244 Akranes 93 63 543 » )) 372 )) 39 28 52 8 Borgarfjarðarsýsla Strandar 198 267 1 653 )) » 165 » 35 29 35 12 Skilmanna Innri-Akranes 150 110 185 189 336 380 » )) )) )) 321 1 084 » )) 24 21 20 22 18 20 10 19 Leirár og Mela 342 316 1 451 » » 1 193 » 40 26 39 19 Andakíls 258 405 1 768 )) )) 305 34 33 30 30 21 Skorradals Lundarreykjadals 180 270 175 217 1 755 1 443 )) )) » )) 136 142 )) )) 40 29 21 23 41 33 14 10 519 343 2 740 )) )) 309 59 )) 66 34 61 26 6 Hálsa 228 125 1 481 )) )) » 26 16 29 Samtals 2 255 J2 222 13 007 » )) 3 714 34 314 221 306 137 Mýrasýsla Hvitársiðu 254 151 2 387 )) » 216 » 40 17 41 15 Þverárliliðar 212 142 1 610 )) » 177 )) 42 19 37 13 Norðurárdals Stafholtstungna 176 398 183 355 2 259 2 472 )) » )) )) 246 449 » )) 33 60 23 33 43 61 20 30 Borgar 327 310 2 557 )) )) 471 )) 58 38 55 11 Borgarnes Álftancs 81 360 59 239 476 2 124 )) )) )) » 208 388 » » 32 52 19 39 40 50 12 16 Hraun 512 241 4106 6 » 274 5 83 45 82 29 Snmtals 2 320 1 680 17 891 6 » 2 429 5 400 233 409 146
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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