Hagskýrslur um landbúnað


Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Síða 42

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Síða 42
12 Búnaðarskýrslur 1947—48 Tafla IV. Jarðargróði árið 1947, eftir sýslum. Taða hay fronx /i ome-ficlds Nr. Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and toivns ■S 01 <u o éi Suðvesturland South-ivest í Reykjavík town 18 000 2 000 2 Hafnarfjörður town 1 436 60 3 Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla 72 766 10 292 4 Akranes town 2 977 » 5 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 75 540 9 935 9 Mýrasýsla 55 429 7 200 7 Snæfellsnessýsla 50 742 5 275 8 56 934 3 165 Samtals total 333 824 37 927 Vestfirðir H’es/ern Peninsula i Barðastrandarsýsla 39 907 4 395 2 ísafjarðarsýsla 61 877 10 071 3 ísafjörður town 323 )> 4 Strandasýsla 31 339 4 016 Samtals to/al 133 446 18 482 Norðuland North 1 Húnavatnssýsla 123 716 7 793 2 Sauðárkrókur town 5 365 » 3 Skagafjarðarsýsla 110 593 1 834 4 Siglufjörður town 1 950 738 4 Ólafsfjörður town 5 603 180 6 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 130 183 4 610 7 Akureyri town 9 611 150 8 Þingeyjarsýsla 126 436 4 029 Samtals total 513 457 19 334 Austurland East 1 Norður-Múlasýsla 66 550 1 233 2 Seyðisfjörður town 3 890 40 3 Neskaupstaður town 3 029 » 4 Suður-Múlasýsla 66 773 2 447 & Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 19 960 615 Samtals total 160 202 4 335 Suðurland South 1 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 30 075 5 504 2 Vestmannaeyjar town 5 808 100 3 Rangárvallasýsla 105 811 15 873 \ Árnessýsla 158 393 20 481 Samtals total 300 087 41 958 Allt Iandið whole country 1 441 016 122 036 Búnaðarskýrslur 1947—48 13 Field crops etc. in 1947 by districts. Útbey hay from meadows Hafragras oat-grass, 100 kg Garðávextir tubcr and root crops Eldiviður fucl Framteljendur produccrs of Af áveitu- og flíeðiengi irrigated or marchy, 100 kg Annað other, 100 kg Kartöflur potatoes tunnur 100 kg Rófur swedcs tunnur 100 kg Svörður og mór peat hestar 100 kg Hrís fagot hestar 100 kg Heys lwy Garðávaxta tuber and root crops 500 500 » 9 200 100 » » 80 2 000 » » » 98 4 » » 18 8 600 1 558 3 750 2 156 230 » » 349 304 » 108 » 312 1 » » 50 20 5 825 13 710 275 913 89 82 75 218 194 10 985 16 332 390 1 052 88 1 620 350 226 261 1 545 8 226 165 921 59 2 829 » 411 215 265 10 325 182 386 60 1 975 112 227 153 19 720 50 759 4 762 15 038 631 6 506 537 1 579 3 155 910 8 577 51 799 141 1 187 » 266 231 120 11 743 286 1 233 262 5 919 30 466 376 » » » » » » » 1 » 205 8 585 45 286 134 4 364 » 238 121 1 235 28 905 382 2 318 537 11 470 30 971 728 27 930 29 839 140 1 037 456 2 286 » 612 381 » » » 189 » » » 50 30 2 079 36 211 » 642 688 4 633 » 497 304 » 1 465 » 32 1 10 » 12 5 40 3 135 » 25 » 225 » 75 10 9 065 41 888 153 3 733 3 585 » 553 427 100 290 » 603 30 » » 70 20 14 957 29 681 172 6 084 412 3 520 1 043 866 573 54 171 142 509 465 12 345 1 590 11 259 1 043 2 735 1 750 1 665 27 177 1 115 1 699 363 3 558 » 488 334 » 589 » 41 6 » » 85 25 » » » 256 » » » 65 55 520 13 504 909 2 832 829 1 643 700 569 452 2 998 12 397 48 1 903 2 201 » 105 220 260 5 183 53 667 2 072 6 731 3 399 5 201 805 1 427 1 126 13 483 19 932 28 1 148 255 » » 219 219 » » » 72 21 » » 40 20 35 503 49 929 1 986 4 214 8 » » 493 442 51 948 25 410 2 501 4 691 160 » » 693 715 100 934 95 271 4 515 10 125 444 » » 1 445 1 396 181 243 371 111 12 196 46 557 6 601 34 436 2 415 8 157 8155 tffc.Wtsíí-* Ui 4>> to tO 00 O W >(k tc to
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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