Hagskýrslur um landbúnað


Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Page 55

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Page 55
Búnaðarskýrslur 1947—48 25 Tafla VIII (frh.). Jarðabætur 1947. Aðalyfirlit. Allt Inndið Girðingar um nýrœkt, tún og sáðreiti fences around home-fields and vegetable gardens Hlaðnir garðar of stones or clods of earth ..................... Gaddavírsgirðingar of barbed wire .............................. Virnetsgirðingar of xvire netting .............................. Girðingar með steyptum horn- og hliðarstólpum with corner and gate posts of concrete .......................................... Samtals total m 3 140 — 274 350 — 37 310 — 10210 m 325 010 Grjótnám úr sáðreitum og túni removal of stones from vegetablc gardens and home-fields......................................... 12 963 Hlöður með járnþaki construction of barns and silos with iron roof Þurrheyshlöður steyptar barns of concrete ..................... Þurrlieyshlöður ósteyptar barns of other materials ............ Votheyshlöður steyptar, liringlaga silos of concrete, circular shapc Votheyshlöður steyptar af annarri lögun silos of concrete, other shape ......................................................... Samtals total Jarðabætur, sem ekki heyra undir II. kafla jarðræktarlaganna. Improvements of estates without aid of govevnment grants Engjnsléttur levelting of meadows ............................. Gróðrarskáiar greenhouses ..................................... Hlöður óstej'ptar barns and silos, not of concrete Þurrhcys barns ............................................... Votheys silos ................................................ Samtals total Heimavegir, 2.75 m breiðir, malbornir roads on tlxe farms .... Girðingar um engi, heimahagu og afréttarlönd fences around meadows and paslures Hlaðnir garðar of stones or clods of earth .................... Gaddavirsgirðingar of barbed wire ............................. Virnelsgirðingar of wire netting .............................. Samtals total Veitugarðar dams Flóðgarðar small .............................................. Stiflugarðar big .............................................. Samtals total m8 55 605 — 16014 — 1 488 — 3 868 m8 76 975 m5 38 960 — 61 m8 30 — 187 m3 217 m 665 m » — 3 382 — )) m 3 382 m8 405 — 408 m8 813 Vatnsveituskurðir irrigation canals Dýptin the depth Allt að 0.5 m 0.5 m or tess ..................................... 0.5—l.o m ....................................................... l.C-1.25 m ...................................................... Dýpri en I.25 over 1.25 m ....................................... Samtals total G 126 70 114 76 240 4
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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