Hagskýrslur um landbúnað


Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Page 76

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Page 76
46 Búnaðarskýrslur 1947—48 Tafla XII. Tala búpenings í árslok 1948, eftir landshlutum. Number of livestoclc at tbe crtd of 1948, bij geographic divisions. Nauteripir cattle 'ð 5 _ || tn 7 •S = 5 2 C/7 -O L. C ? e a hi.se « C "tfl 'f- C .V > ~ Z, Nordurland North Austurland Eaat Suðurland South AUt landið The whote country Kýr og kclfdar kvigur coivs and lieifers in calf Griðungar og geldncj’ti eldri en 7 069 2 025 9 926 2 316 8 586 29 922 veturgömul bulls and dry caltle 2 years of agc and ovcr 177 34 113 55 228 607 Veturgamall nautpeningur young stock 1 gear of age and undcr 2 gears 1 625 354 2 316 540 1 656 6 491 Kálfar calfs under 1 gear of age . 1 621 342 1 959 726 1 421 6 069 Samtals tolal 10 492 2 755 14314 3 637 11 891 43 089 Sauðfé sheep Ær ewes 50 232 1 173 103 42 502 1 099 150 84 184 1 825 194 89 001 1 729 748 67 194 1 341 1 906 333 113 7 167 3 101 Hrútar rams Sauðir whetliers Gemlingar lambs undcr 1 gear of age 16 687 9 146 34 154 17 913 23 460 101 360 Samtals total 68 195 52 897 120 357 109 391 93 901 444 741 Geitfé goats 49 » 432 70 » 551 Hross horses Eldri en 15 vetra lí years of agc 1 821 592 2 889 568 1 205 7 075 Hestar 4—15 vetra horses 3—lí gears of aqe Hryssur 4—15 vetra mares 3—íí 3 629 959 6 217 1 179 4 359 16 343 2 052 451 5 761 814 2 522 11 600 Hross 2—3 vetra 1—2 gears of age 823 70 3 420 149 977 5 439 Hross 1 vetrar under 1 year of age 449 27 1 924 54 645 3 099 Samtals total 8 774 2 099 20 211 2 764 9 708 43 556
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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