Hagskýrslur um landbúnað


Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Page 101

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Page 101
70 Búnaðarskýrslur 1947—48 Tafla XX. Jarðabætur árið 1948. Yfirlit eftir sýslurn. Jarðabætur, sem lieyra undir Snfnþrier pils for liquid manurc Áburðnrliús slicds for dung V sc ö Sýslur o 8 £ E "3 C u o , Nr. dislricts •c c A * C? *o o u 1 *£. | 1. e s- *o c u O c o o u ^ 5 ° *o 2 ’o o t- “ c i? « u c o o ^ o .Í O ^ •C, h o *o c: u <y o £-P *u u~2> K e c 5 C *o o S g « 3 ’’ 'æj -5 s « 3 « u r“._ o fi Ssl C *o -C «■0*5 sn H c H c < o C/7 A C -3 < o I6A3 X o Suðvesturland. South-West m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m2 í Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla 8 181 116 )) 213 » » )) 2 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 9 169 210 73 294 103 )) » 3 Mýrasýsla 8 130 212 )> 84 197 » » 4 Snæfellsnessýsla 12 176 99 9 117 57 )) » 5 Dalasýsla 9 131 67 )) )) 232 » » 6 ICaupstaðir (Reykjavik, Hafnarfjörður, 242 Akrancs) towns 3 40 230 » » » )) Samtals lotal 49 827 934 82 950 589 » » Vestfirðir. Western Peninsula 1 Barðastrandarsýsla 10 102 27 » )) 288 » » 2 ísafjarðarsýsla 14 185 108 35 105 362 )) » 3 Strandasýsla 8 140 2 30 » 234 » » Samtals lotal 32 427 137 65 105 884 » » Norðurland. North 1 2 Húnavatnssýsla 17 348 504 » 817 283 » 87 Skagafjarðarsýsla 14 257 61 8 276 » )) )) Eyjafjarðarsýsla 12 331 694 » 925 128 » 5 4 Þingeyjarsýsla 22 428 554 20 1503 59 » » 5 Kaupstaðir (Sauðárkrókur, Siglufjörður, 36 22 Ólafsfjörður, Akureyri) towns 4 » 27 » » » Samtals total 69 1400 1813 55 3521 492 » 92 Austurland. East Norður-Múlasýsla 11 248 27 30 152 14 » )) Suður-Múlasýsla 16 231 111 49 212 294 10 » 3 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 6 100 26 » 31 » » » 4 Kaupstaðir (Seyðisfjörður, Neskaup- 30 54 staður) towns 2 17 » )) » » Samtals total 35 596 188 79 449 308 10 » Suðurland. Sonth 1 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 7 143 33 » 75 » » Ö 2 Rangarvallasýsla 11 375 439 )) 348 25 » » 3 Arnessýsla 16 462 915 114 601 414 105 » 4 Kaupstaður (Vestmannaeyjar) town .. Samtals total 1 9 140 » » 133 » » 35 989 1527 114 1024 572 105 » Allt landið whole country 220 4239 4599 395 6049 2845 115 92 Þar af Sýslur districts 210 4137 4199 368 5753 2690 115 92 whereof Kaupstaðir towns 10 102 400 27 296 155 )) » i Búnaðarskýrslur 1947—48 71 Improvements of estates 19í8. Summanj bij districts. II. kafln jaröraúitarlagnnno Improvements of estates by the aid of government grants Túnrœkt cultivation of home-ficlds Nýrækt neiv fields Túnnsléttur Opnir skurðir Lokræsi l.i m eða dýnri ■ö o Snðsléttur sown old fields levelled Mntjurtugnrðnr vegetable gardcns open drains closed drains 1,1 dcep and over Pnksléttur covcri with green turf Græðisléttur (by onlg ploughed Nýrxckt bylt only plouglicd Einsnrs fornckt after 1 gearsprc- paratory cultiv. Tveggjn nrn for- rxktafler2ycars prcp. cultivatlon Pnksléttur covered with green turf Grxeðisléttur only ploughed Súðsléttur soum •=3 1? u z 'CC » »1 E c Dýpt 1—1.3 m 1—1.3 m dcep Dýpri cn 1.3 m 1.3 m deep and over Grjótræsi of gravel Viðnrræsi of wood Hnausræsi of clods of carth Pípuræsi ofpipes co C *a Fi lOOm2 100m2 100 m2 100 m2 100 m2 100m2 100m2 100 m2 100 m2 10 m3 10 m3 10m3 10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m 66 235 2153 1271 790 6 80 3805 119 )) 20 )) 23 )) 14 247 17696 3 325 5562 637 346 27 202 4031 221 128 295 526 28 )) 83 » 20340 » 219 3152 209 148 50 735 1771 204 27 216 173 38 )) 26 9 15405 » 238 4519 302 201 54 90 2714 90 63 149 125 157 )) 52 )) » » 358 2021 28 59 20 325 3608 70 69 26 » 81 )) 21 6 » )) 17 471 87 » )) » 307 103 )) 40 40 » )) )) 7 8466 69 1392 17878 2534 1544 157 1432 16236 807 287 746 864 327 )) 196 269 61907 2 220 688 212 25 81 78 1402 91 22 28 45 153 » » )) » 28 66 1955 43 795 46 68 3350 118 70 31 169 145 )) 20 » » 7 )) 327 1496 161 33 39 2684 103 115 136 64 86 9 66 )) » 37 286 2970 1751 981 160 185 7436 312 207 195 278 384 9 86 » » » 1015 11638 436 43 35 1209 7900 204 143 339 275 180 » 190 4 442 2 248 7130 344 74 32 419 10234 36 48 222 276 58 » 104 )) 62 10 136 11767 2416 1428 18 147 5813 252 71 135 317 91 )) 326 10 )> 34 793 16941 589 356 38 196 5840 233 79 128 142 63 2 183 3 )) » » 620 174 347 36 30 441 18 32 36 » 10 » 6 )) » 46 2192 48096 3959 2248 159 2001 30228 743 373 860 1010 402 2 809 17 504 12 156 4014 1568 946 60 34 4161 145 20 255 34 46 8 211 )) » 39 222 2673 2453 1016 169 103 3606 894 32 193 2326 187 » 116 )) )) 16 185 609 282 1284 54 167 231 587 31 57 431 12 18 136 » )) » )) 86 » )) » » 195 » )) » » )) » 2 )) » 67 563 7382 4303 3246 283 304 8193 1626 83 505 2791 245 26 465 )) » 12 350 2007 304 634 191 14 390 133 18 4 9 31 )) 107 3 » » 809 14535 3517 1899 134 257 6018 841 109 8 79 2 )) )) » 4646 3 1294 20264 5455 3529 31 276 10848 342 2 49 59 68 » 107 )) 7550 » » 11 » )) 5 » 21 25 )) )) )) )) )) )) » )) 15 2453 36817 9276 6062 361 547 17277 1341 129 61 147 101 )) 214 3 12196 234 6886 113143 21823 14081 1120 4469 79370 4829 1079 2367 5090 1459 37 1770 289 74607 234 6869 111955 21562 13734 1079 4439 78406 4683 1047 2291 5050 1449 37 1762 282 66141 )) 17 1188 261 347 41 30 964 146 32 76 40 10 » 8 7 8466 Frnmræsla vegnn mntjurtngnrðn og túnrícktar drainage
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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